3.2.3 Ethernet - Setup and Tool Discovery

Follow the steps in the table to set up the desired Ethernet mode and then find the connection.

Before beginning this setup process, you will need to have a PoE injector. Refer to 2.2 Components for PoE tools that have been tested with the debugger. The provisioning - which is setting up the Ethernet configuration in the Manage Network Tools window for the desired protocol - is only required one time.

Table 3-1. Ethernet Setup and Tool Discovery in MPLAB® X IDE
Step Action
1 Connect the debugger to your PC via the USB cable.

If you will be using Ethernet communication, a PoE injector is mandatory.

Note: A USB connection is required at first to setup Ethernet communication.
2 Go to Tools > Manage Network Tools in MPLAB X IDE.
3 Under "Network Capable Tools Plugged into USB," select your debugger.
4 Under "Configure Default Connection Type for Selected Tool" select the radio button for the connection you want.
Ethernet (Wired/StaticIP): Input Static IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway.
Note: To learn how to obtain this information to input, refer to the paragraph following the figure.

Click Update Connection Type.

5 If Ethernet communication was chosen, ensure the PoE injector is connected and then unplug the USB cable from your debugger unit.
Note: Keep the Manage Network Tools window open.
6 The debugger will restart automatically and come up in the connection mode you selected. Then:

The LEDs will display for either a successful network connection (white) or a network connection failure/error (red).

7 Now go back to the "Manage Network Tools" dialog and click on the Scan button, which will list your debugger under "Active Discovered Network Tools." Select the checkbox for your tool and close the dialog.
8 If your debugger is not found under "Active Discovered Network Tools," you can manually enter information in the "User Specified Network Tools" section. You must know the IP address of the tool (by the way of network admin or static IP assignment).

Your debugger and PoE setup should look like this:

Figure 3-3. Initial USB Connection
To obtain IP configuration details:
  1. Run the Command Prompt application in your operating system by typing cmd in your system search bar.
  2. Type ipconfig into the black window that appears then hit Enter.
  3. Scroll down to view the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.
Figure 3-4. Command Prompt Window