27.5.6 Interrupts
Sleep Mode Entry Ready (SLEEPRDY): indicates that the device is ready to enter backup sleep mode, that is, it indicates that the low power bandgap of the LPVREGC regulator is ready, given the fact that it can take several 100’s of microseconds at power-up for the low power bandgap to settle.
This interrupt is a synchronous wake-up source. For example, application can setup the device to enter backup sleep mode, go to standby sleep and get a wakeup interrupt from SLEEPRDY so it can then go to Backup Sleep.
This interrupt source has an interrupt flag associated with it. The interrupt flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG) register is set when the interrupt condition occurs. This interrupt can be enabled by writing a '1' to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Set (INTENSET) register, and disabled by writing a '1' to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Clear (INTENCLR) register.
An interrupt request is generated when the interrupt flag is set and the corresponding interrupt is enabled in the NVIC module. The interrupt request remains active until the interrupt flag is cleared, the interrupt is disabled, or the peripheral is reset.