43.6.8 Events
The ADC can generate events, which can be shared by the Event System (EVSYS) module with other modules, and it can be an event user of events generated by other modules and distributed by the EVSYS module. The ADC can generate an event when a Digital Comparator “Hit” occurs. It can also generate an event when a new data result is “ready” (available for reading.) As a user the ADC often uses events generated by a timer to trigger the capture and conversion of new samples.
There is one Results Ready (ADC_RESRDY) generators. Similarly, there is one Comparator Hit (ADC_CMP) generators. The ADC has eleven “trigger” users in the EVSYS (TRIGn, n = 0,1,…,10). This provides eleven separate event users which can be used to trigger up to eleven different types of ADC captures.
The ADC Module has a dedicated “ADC Event Control” register (EVCTRL). The register controls the Compare Hit and Results Ready generator. To use generated events as a capture trigger EVCTRLn.STARTEI must be set. The polarity of trigger inputs can be inverted by setting EVCTRLn. STARTINV.