26.6.3 Output and Input Pins
The SUPC can drive two outputs. By writing a '1' to the corresponding Output Enable bit in the Backup Output Control register (BKOUT.EN), the SUPC_OUTn pin is driven by the SUPC.
The OUT pin can be set by writing a '1' to the corresponding Set Output bit in the Backup Output Control register (BKOUT.SETx). The OUT pin can be cleared by writing a '1' to the corresponding CLR bit (BKOUT.CLRx).
If the “Toggle Output Mode X is set to “RTCTGL”, the corresponding SUPC_OUTn pin will toggle when an RTC event occurs. Note that before configuring this mode, this is recommended to configure the RTC module properly. If the “Toggle Output Mode X is set to “BKUPTGL”, the corresponding SUPC_OUTn pin will toggle to one when the device goes to Backup Mode. It will toggle to zero when exiting Backup Mode.
The BKIN register reflects the current state of the of the corresponding BKOUT pin if enabled (SUPC.BKOUT.EN = 1).