Waveform Extension
- Slice 0 DTI0 / SWAP0 acting on port pins (WO[0], WO[WO_NUM/2 +0])
- Slice 1 DTI1 / SWAP1 acting on port pins (WO[1], WO[WO_NUM/2 +1])
- Slice y DTIy / SWAPy acting on port pins (WO[y], WO[WO_NUM/2 +y])
The output matrix (OTMX) unit distributes compare channels, according to the selectable configurations in the following table. This is configured by WEXCTRL.OTMX bits ( WEXCTRL <1:0>) as shown below.
Value | OTMX[7] | OTMX[6] | OTMX[5] | OTMX[4] | OTMX[3] | OTMX[2] | OTMX[1] | OTMX[0] |
0x0 | CC1 | CC0 | CC5 | CC4 | CC3 | CC2 | CC1 | CC0 |
0x1 | CC1 | CC0 | CC1 | CC0 | CC1 | CC0 | CC1 | CC0 |
0x2 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 |
0x3 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC0 |
The following notes refer to this pin routing configuration:
- Configuration 0x0 is the default configuration. The channel location is the default one and channels are distributed on outputs modulo the number of channels. Channel 0 is routed to the Output matrix output OTMX[0], and Channel 1 to OTMX[1]. If there are more outputs than channels, then channel 0 is duplicated to the Output matrix output OTMX[CC_NUM], channel 1 to OTMX[CC_NUM+1] and so on.
- Configuration 0x1 distributes the
channels on output modulo half the number of channels. This assigns twice the number
of output locations to the lower channels than the default configuration. This can
be used, for example, to control the four transistors of a full bridge using only
two compare channels.
Using pattern generation, some of these four outputs can be overwritten by a constant level, enabling flexible drive of a full bridge in all quadrant configurations.
- Configuration 0x2 distributes compare channel 0 (CC0) to all port pins. With pattern generation, this configuration can control a stepper motor.
- Configuration 0x3 distributes the compare channel CC0 to the first output, and the channel CC1 to all other outputs. Together with pattern generation and the fault extension, this configuration can control up to seven LED strings, with a boost stage.
The table below is an example showing four compare channels on four outputs.
Value | OTMX[3] | OTMX[2] | OTMX[1] | OTMX[0] |
0x0 | CC3 | CC2 | CC1 | CC0 |
0x1 | CC1 | CC0 | CC1 | CC0 |
0x2 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 | CC0 |
0x3 | CC1 | CC1 | CC1 | CC0 |
The dead-time insertion (DTI) unit generates OFF time with the non-inverted low side (LS) and inverted high side (HS) of the wave generator output forced at low level. This OFF time is called dead time. Dead-time insertion ensures that the LS and HS outputs (DTLS and DTHS) will never switch simultaneously.
The DTI stage consists of four equal dead-time insertion generators; one for each of the first four compare channels. Dead-Time Generator Block Diagram shows the block diagram of one DTI generator. The four channels have a common register which controls the dead time, which is independent of high side and low side setting.
As shown in Dead-Time Generator Timing Diagram, the 8-bit dead-time counter is decremented by one for each peripheral clock cycle until it reaches zero. A non-zero counter value will force both the low side and high side outputs into their OFF state. When the output matrix (OTMX) output changes, the dead-time counter is reloaded according to the edge of the input. When the output changes from low to high (positive edge) it initiates a counter reload of the DTLS register. When the output changes from high to low (negative edge) it reloads the DTHS register.
In the following figure tP shows the lower side output from OTMX and T is the period of OTMX output waveform. Dead-time insertion for lower and upper side outputs are shown by tDTLS and tDTHS respectively.
The pattern generator unit produces a synchronized bit pattern across the port pins it is connected to. The pattern generation features are primarily intended for handling the commutation sequence in brushless DC motors (BLDC), stepper motors, and full bridge control. See also Pattern Generator Block Diagram.
As with other double-buffered timer/counter registers, the register update is synchronized to the UPDATE condition set by the timer/counter waveform generation operation. If synchronization is not required by the application, the software can simply access directly the PGV[7:0] bits (PATT <15:8>) , PGE[7:0] bits (PATT <7:0>) registers.