Quad Write Sequence
The Quad Write operation implements a Quad Double Word programming. The eight 32-bit instruction/data words to be programmed must be written to DATAx, x = 0,1,…,7, before the programming sequence is initiated. The Flash instruction word at the location pointed to by ADDR is programmed. The program operation must be aligned to a Flash word address, so the lower 5 bits are ignored for Quad Write.
The Quad Write sequence typically comprises the following steps
- <Desired NVMOP> is Quad Write.
- Follow the Start Sequencer from Start Sequencer.
- Wait for NVM Interrupt from Interrupts.
- Check the INTFLAG bits to ensure that the program sequence completed successfully, and then clear all bits in INTFLAG. See Errors and Flags about error flags.
- Unlock the hardware write mutex by setting the LOCK bit to ‘0’ and the OWNER field to ‘00’ simultaneously to the MUTEX register.
A flash address can be written if its associated page write protection is not enabled, see Debug Accesss Level.
Quad Write Timing
Quad Write timing is dominated by setup (Tnvs + Tpgs), program time (Tprog) and recovery (Trcv) delays. Using the specs shown in Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVM) Electrical Specifications, the total time to program one QWord/QDWord is roughly:
Quad Write Time = Tnvs + Tpgs + 4*Tprog + Trcv + Trw
If Pre-Programming, the first step adds roughly: Quad Write Time = 4*Tpreprog + Tprepgh + Tprepgs +
Quad Write asserts programming voltage throughout the sequence to avoid duplicating setup and recovery delays. Consequently, a Quad Write operation takes less time than 4 Word/DWord Program operations.