6.1 Thread MCC Component Overview

Thread SDK MCC Component is based on single component with Device Role selection and based on the device role, the configuration options will be populated. The Thread Stack Component in MPLAB Code Configurator has certain dependencies and capabilities. Some dependencies are mandatory, while others are only necessary when certain functional features are included. The table below provides details on these dependencies and their requirements.

Table 6-1. Thread MCC Dependencies
Dependency ComponentDependency TypeDescription
IEEE 802.15.4 PHYMandatory Phy lib is mandatory requirement for using the IEEE 802.15.4 based radio services.
RTOSMandatoryThread uses RTOS service as per functional design.
CoreMandatoryThread uses Core service as per functional design.
PDS_SubSystemMandatoryThread uses Persistent Data Server for Data backup.
SYS_TIMEMandatoryPhy lib Uses SYS_TIME for internal Timer Purposes.
LIB_WOLFCRYPTMandatoryThread uses crypto services from LIB_WOLFCRYPT.
Thread USARTOptionalThread USART is not a mandatory service and required when a serial Parser (CLI) or RCP or a Logger(if CLI is enabled) is enabled.
Thread LogOptionalThread Log is not a mandatory service and required when Thread Log is enabled when Serial Parser(CLI) is not enabled.

Thread has a Capability of its own which can be used by other components whenever Thread Stack Service is necessary.

Note: By default Thread USART and Thread Log dependencies are disabled and will be enabled based on the feature selected.

The image below provides the MPLAB Code Configurator view of Thread Stack and its dependencies.

The below image depicts the Thread USART dependency when Serial Parser(CLI) or RCP is enabled.

The below image depicts the Thread Log dependency when log is enabled, Serial Parser(CLI) and RCP is disabled.