8.10 Verify services

# sudo systemctl status

  • If the setup script was successful, the following services appear in the output:
    • mdns.service
    • otbr-agent.service
    • otbr-web.service

NOTE : Sometime otbr-web will not start by default. use the following commands to enable it.

Need to install npm

# sudo apt-get npm

# cd /opt/ot-br-posix

# WEB_GUI=1 ./script/bootstrap

Ethernet :# sudo INFRA_IF_NAME=eth0 WEB_GUI=1 ./script/setup

Wi-Fi : # sudo INFRA_IF_NAME=wlan0 WEB_GUI=1 ./script/setup

NOTE : you can also check each service individually
  • # sudo service mdns status
  • # sudo service otbr-agent status
  • # sudo service otbr-web status
Output console :
  • # sudo service mdns status - Active
  • # sudo service otbr-agent status - Active
  • # sudo service otbr-web status - Active

NOTE :While checking the service status , if you face any Errors (Highlighted with red color) . re-start the service and start it again.

  • # sudo service mdns restart
  • # sudo service otbr-agent restart
  • # sudo service otbr-web restart