
  • void BL_MemoryUnlockKeysInit (key_structure_t keys)

    Wrapper to the NVM Set Key function which assigns user-defined key values for write operations in NVM.

  • void BL_MemoryUnlockKeysClear (void)

    Clears all unlock keys once the bootloader core firmware completes the memory operations requiring them.

  • bl_mem_result_t BL_EEPROMRead (eeprom_address_t address, eeprom_data_t *buffer, size_t length)

    Wrapper to the NVM Read EEPROM function which reads multiple bytes from the desired address in EEPROM.

  • bl_mem_result_t BL_EEPROMWrite (eeprom_address_t address, eeprom_data_t *buffer, size_t length)

    Wrapper to the NVM Write EEPROM function which writes multiple bytes to the desired address in EEPROM.

  • bl_mem_result_t BL_FlashRead (flash_address_t address, flash_data_t *buffer, size_t length)

    Wrapper to the NVM Read Flash function which reads multiple bytes from the desired address in program Flash.

  • bl_mem_result_t BL_FlashWrite (flash_address_t address, flash_data_t *buffer, size_t length)

    Wrapper to the NVM Write Flash function which writes multiple bytes to the desired address in program Flash.