35 Ordering Information

Available ordering options can be found by:

Note: Automotive-grade ordering codes (VAO suffix) are set up on request and not listed in the table below. Contact your local Microchip sales representative to request VAO ordering codes not present on the respective product page.
Table 35-1. Available Product Numbers
Ordering Code(1)Flash/SRAMPin CountPackage Type(2)Supply VoltageTemperature RangeCarrier Type
ATTINY424-SSF4 KB/512B14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY424-SSFR4 KB/512B14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY424-SSU4 KB/512B14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY424-SSUR4 KB/512B14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY424-XF4 KB/512B14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY424-XFR4 KB/512B14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY424-XU4 KB/512B14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY424-XUR4 KB/512B14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-MF4 KB/512B20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTray
ATTINY426-MFR4 KB/512B20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-MU4 KB/512B20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTray
ATTINY426-MUR4 KB/512B20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-SF4 KB/512B20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY426-SFR4 KB/512B20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-SU4 KB/512B20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY426-SUR4 KB/512B20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-XF4 KB/512B20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY426-XFR4 KB/512B20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY426-XU4 KB/512B20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY426-XUR4 KB/512B20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY427-MF4 KB/512B24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTray
ATTINY427-MFR4 KB/512B24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY427-MU4 KB/512B24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTray
ATTINY427-MUR4 KB/512B24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
Ordering Code(1)Flash/SRAMPin CountPackage Type(2)Supply VoltageTemperature RangeCarrier Type
ATTINY824-SSF8 KB/1 KB14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY824-SSFR8 KB/1 KB14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY824-SSU8 KB/1 KB14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY824-SSUR8 KB/1 KB14SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY824-XF8 KB/1 KB14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY824-XFR8 KB/1 KB14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY824-XU8 KB/1 KB14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY824-XUR8 KB/1 KB14TSSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-MF8 KB/1 KB20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTray
ATTINY826-MFR8 KB/1 KB20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-MU8 KB/1 KB20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTray
ATTINY826-MUR8 KB/1 KB20VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-SF8 KB/1 KB20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY826-SF8 KB/1 KB20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-SFR8 KB/1 KB20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTube
ATTINY826-SU8 KB/1 KB20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-SUR8 KB/1 KB20SOIC1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY826-XFR8 KB/1 KB20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY826-XU8 KB/1 KB20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTube
ATTINY826-XUR8 KB/1 KB20SSOP1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
ATTINY827-MF8 KB/1 KB24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTray
ATTINY827-MFR8 KB/1 KB24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +125°CTape & Reel
ATTINY827-MU8 KB/1 KB24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTray
ATTINY827-MUR8 KB/1 KB24VQFN 1.8V-5.5V-40°C to +85°CTape & Reel
  1. Pb-free packing complies with the European Directive for Restrictions of Hazardous Substances (RoHS directive). Also halide-free and completely green.
  2. Package outline drawings can be found in the Package Drawings section.

Product Identification System

To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office.

Note: The Tape & Reel identifier only appears in the catalog part number description. Use this identifier for ordering purposes. Check with your Microchip Sales Office for package availability with the Tape and Reel option.
Note: The VAO variants have been designed, manufactured, tested, and qualified per AEC-Q100 requirements for automotive applications. These products may use a different package than non-VAO parts and have additional specifications in their Electrical Characteristics.