2 Running the Demo

To run the demo, perform the following steps to setup the board:

  1. Update the Icicle Kit to the latest Linux image and reference design. For more information, see MPFS Icicle Kit User Guide.
  2. Ensure that the jumper settings on the PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit are set according to the instructions provided in the Jumper Settings section.
  3. Connect the Icicle Kit USB-UART terminal port on the kit to the Host Machine.
    Important: If your host PC does not recognize the USB – UART COM port, you can download the required drivers from CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers.
  4. Use a terminal software such as Putty, ExtraPutty, minicom, screen, and so on. Open serial connections to two of the UART ports available through the USB-UART terminal:
    • Use the serial port setting: 115200 baud, no parity, and no flow control
  5. Connect the 12V Power supply to the Icicle Kit and turn on the Power ON/OFF switch.
  6. Perform the following steps to determine the correct COM port number for use in the terminal software:
    On a Windows host:
    1. Open the Device Manager and navigate to Ports (COM and LPT)
    2. Look for the COM ports corresponding to "Silicon Labs Quad CP2108 USB to UART Bridge: Interface 0 and Interface 1"
    On a Linux host:
    • Use the dmesg | grep tty command on the terminal
  7. Power cycle the board. You should see the following boot messages on the terminal window:
    • The UART interface0 displays Hart Software Services boot messages
    • The UART interface1 displays U-Boot and Linux boot messages and provides a Linux prompt
  8. Login with the user name “root”. No password is required.
The Icicle Kit is now running in Linux.