5.1 BOD - Brown-out Detector

5.1.1 Introduction

The MCC Melody Brown-out Detector (BOD) System driver generates APIs to support BOD-specific peripheral functionality on AVRxxxDx and ATtiny target MCUs.

The BOD monitors the power supply and compares the supply voltage with the programmable brown-out threshold level. The brown-out threshold level defines when to generate a System Reset. The Voltage Level Monitor (VLM) monitors the power supply and compares it to a threshold higher than the BOD threshold. The VLM can then generate an interrupt as an “early warning” when the supply voltage is approaching the BOD threshold. The VLM threshold level is expressed as a percentage above the BOD threshold level.

5.1.2 Supported Device Families

AVR® Dx AVR® Ex ATtiny ATmega

5.1.3 Required Header Files:

#include "mcc_generated_files/system.h"

5.1.4 File Documentation source/system.c File Reference

This file contains the API implementation for the BOD driver. Functions

  • int8_t BOD_Initialize ()

    Initializes the BOD module.

  • ISR (BOD_VLM_vect) Detailed Description

This file contains the API implementation for the BOD driver.

System Driver Source File

Version: Driver Version 1.0.1 Function Documentation


int8_t BOD_Initialize ( )

Initializes the BOD module.

