2.5 Timer Driver
2.5.1 Introduction
The MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Timer Driver provides a portable API interface to assist a generic Timer interface that supports the MCC Melody Component concepts: configuration and firmware portability.
The Timer Driver will require a Peripheral LIBrary (PLIB) dependency, closely associated to a Timer hardware peripheral. On PIC® MCUs, the Timer Driver supports the following Timer PLIBs:
Timers are often used in timing and scheduling applications.
2.5.2 Required header files:
#include "mcc_generated_files/timer/tc[X][Y].h"
Note: Replace [X] with the selected Timer name and [Y] with the Timer instance number if necessary.
2.5.3 How to use the Timer Driver
The Timer driver generates a portable API interface. For examples of how to use the interface, refer to the examples linked below. Click the links to view the code snippets associated with each example:
- Timer Driver Use Case 1: Timer Period Change When Switch Is Pressed This example demonstrates an application where the timer period changes from 40 ms to 80 ms and vice versa with every press of a switch.
- Timer Driver Use Case 2: Simple Task Scheduler This example sets up a project which executes two different tasks at different intervals using a timer interrupt.
- Timer Driver Use Case 3: Timer Period Change On Interrupt Event This example configures the Timer module to use a Timer Peripheral Library (PLIB) to generate an overflow interrupt. The period of a timer is changed at run time during each interrupt event.
- Timer Driver Use Case 4: Generating a 500 ms Timer In Non-Interrupt Mode This example configures the Timer module to use the selected Timer PLIB to generate a specified timer period in Non-Interrupt mode.
2.5.4 Timer Driver
The Timer driver is an 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit timer that can operate as a free-running interval timer using PIC®, dsPIC® and AVR® microcontrollers (MCUs). Module Documentation Module description
The Timer driver is an 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit timer that can operate as a free-running interval timer using PIC®, dsPIC® and AVR® microcontrollers (MCUs).
Data structures
Declares an instance of TIMER_INTERFACE for the Timer module.
#define TCxy_MAX_COUNT (65535U)
Defines the maximum count of the timer.
#define TCxy_CLOCK_FREQ (1000000UL)
Defines the timer prescaled clock frequency in hertz.
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_MAX_COUNT.
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CLOCK_FREQ.
#define myTimer_Initialize TCxy_Initialize
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Initialize API.
#define myTimer_Deinitialize TCxy_Deinitialize
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Deinitialize API.
#define myTimer_Start TCxy_Start
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Start API.
#define myTimer_Stop TCxy_Stop
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Stop API.
#define myTimer_CounterGet TCxy_CounterGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CounterGet API.
#define myTimer_CounterSet TCxy_CounterSet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CounterSet API.
#define myTimer_PeriodSet TCxy_PeriodSet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_PeriodSet API.
#define myTimer_PeriodGet TCxy_PeriodGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_PeriodGet API.
#define myTimer_MaxCountGet TCxy_MaxCountGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_MaxCountGet API.
#define myTimer_OverflowCallbackRegister TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister API.
#define myTimer_Tasks TCxy_Tasks
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Tasks API.
Defines the deprecated SCCPx_Timer_PeriodCountSet or TMRx_PeriodCountSet API. Set it to 1 for backward compatibility for 16-bit MCUs only.
The InterruptPrioritySet API is not supported.
void TCxy_Initialize (void)
Initializes the Timer module. This routine must be called before any other Timer routines.
void TCxy_Deinitialize (void)
Deinitializes the Timer module.
void TCxy_Start (void)
Starts the timer.
void TCxy_Stop (void)
Stops the timer.
uint32_t TCxy_CounterGet (void)
Returns the current counter value.
void TCxy_CounterSet (uint32_t counterValue)
Sets the counter value.
void TCxy_PeriodSet (uint32_t periodCount)
Sets the period count value.
uint32_t TCxy_PeriodGet (void)
Returns the current period value.
uint32_t TCxy_MaxCountGet (void)
Returns the maximum count value.
void TCxy_Tasks (void)
Performs tasks to be executed during the Timer overflow event.
void TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister (void(*CallbackHandler)(void))
Registers a callback function for the Timer overflow event. Definition Documentation
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CLOCK_FREQ.
#define myTimer_CounterGet TCxy_CounterGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CounterGet API.
#define myTimer_CounterSet TCxy_CounterSet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_CounterSet API.
#define myTimer_Deinitialize TCxy_Deinitialize
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Deinitialize API.
#define myTimer_Initialize TCxy_Initialize
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Initialize API.
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_MAX_COUNT.
#define myTimer_MaxCountGet TCxy_MaxCountGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_MaxCountGet API.
#define myTimer_OverflowCallbackRegister TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister API.
#define myTimer_PeriodGet TCxy_PeriodGet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_PeriodGet API.
#define myTimer_PeriodSet TCxy_PeriodSet
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_PeriodSet API.
#define myTimer_Start TCxy_Start
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Start API.
#define myTimer_Stop TCxy_Stop
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Stop API.
#define myTimer_Tasks TCxy_Tasks
Defines the Custom Name for the TCxy_Tasks API.
#define TCxy_CLOCK_FREQ (1000000UL)
Defines the timer prescaled clock frequency in hertz.
#define TCxy_MAX_COUNT (65535U)
Defines the maximum count of the timer.
The InterruptPrioritySet API is not supported.
Defines the deprecated SCCPx_Timer_PeriodCountSet or TMRx_PeriodCountSet API. Set it to 1 for backward compatibility for 16-bit MCUs only. Function Documentation
The Timer Driver supports multiple Timer peripherals. "TCxy" is used to stand for the Timer Peripheral (ie. TCA/TCB/TCD) and selected instance (ie. TCA0/TCA1).
void TCxy_Initialize (void )
Initializes the TCxy module. This routine must be called before any other TCxy routines.
None. |
None. |
void TCxy_Deinitialize (void )
Deinitializes the TCxy module.
None. |
None. |
void TCxy_Start (void )
Starts TCxy.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
None. |
None. |
Starts TCxy.
None. |
None. |
void TCxy_Stop (void )
Stops TCxy.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
None. |
None. |
Stops TCxy.
None. |
None. |
uint32_t TCxy_CounterGet (void )
Returns the current counter value.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
None. |
Counter value |
None. |
Current count value from the CNT register |
void TCxy_CounterSet (uint32_t counterValue)
Sets the counter value.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
counterValue |
- Counter value to be written to the CNT register |
None. |
void TCxy_PeriodSet (uint32_t periodCount)
Sets the period count value.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
periodCount |
- Period count value to be written to the PER register |
None. |
uint32_t TCxy_PeriodGet (void )
Returns the current period value.
Initialize TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
None. |
Period count value |
Initialize the TCxy with TCxy_Initialize() before calling this API. |
None. |
Period value from the PER register |
uint32_t TCxy_MaxCountGet (void )
Returns the maximum count value.
None. |
Maximum count value |
void TCxy_Tasks (void )
Performs tasks to be executed during the TCxy overflow event.
None. |
None. |
void TCxy_OverflowCallbackRegister (void(*)(void) CallbackHandler)
Registers a callback function for the TCxy overflow event.
CallbackHandler |
- Address of the custom callback function |
None. |
Registers a callback function for the TCA0 overflow event.
CallbackHandler |
- Address to the custom callback function |
None. | Data Structure Documentation TIMER_INTERFACE Struct Reference
Declares an instance of TIMER_INTERFACE for the TCA0 module.
Detailed Description
Declares an instance of TIMER_INTERFACE for the TCA0 module.
Structure containing the function pointers of the Timer driver.
#include <timer_interface.h>
Data Fields
void(* Initialize )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Initialize, SCCPx_Timer_Initialize or TMRx_Initialize (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Initialize or TMR1_Initialize).
void(* Deinitialize )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Deinitialize, SCCPx_Timer_Deinitialize or TMRx_Deinitialize (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Deinitialize or TMR1_Deinitialize).
void(* Start )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Start, SCCPx_Timer_Start or TMRx_Start (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Start or TMR1_Start).
void(* Stop )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Stop, SCCPx_Timer_Stop or TMRx_Stop (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Stop or TMR1_Stop).
void(* PeriodSet )(uint32_t count)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_PeriodSet, SCCPx_Timer_PeriodSet or TMRx_PeriodSet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_PeriodSet or TMR1_PeriodSet).
uint32_t(* PeriodGet )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_PeriodGet, SCCPx_Timer_PeriodGet or TMRx_PeriodGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_PeriodGet or TMR1_PeriodGet).
uint32_t(* CounterGet )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_CounterGet, SCCPx_Timer_CounterGet or TMRx_CounterGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_CounterGet or TMR1_CounterGet).
void(* CounterSet )(uint32_t count)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_CounterSet, SCCPx_Timer_CounterSet or TMRx_CounterSet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_CounterSet or TMR1_CounterSet).
uint32_t(* MaxCountGet )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_MaxCountGet, SCCPx_Timer_MaxCountGet or TMRx_MaxCountGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_MaxCountGet or TMR1_MaxCountGet).
void(* TimeoutCallbackRegister )(void(*CallbackHandler)(void))
Pointer to MCCPx_TimeoutCallbackRegister, SCCPx_TimeoutCallbackRegister or TMRx_TimeoutCallbackRegister (e.g., SCCP1_TimeoutCallbackRegister or TMR1_TimeoutCallbackRegister).
void(* Tasks )(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Tasks, SCCPx_Timer_Tasks or TMRx_Tasks (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Tasks or TMR1_Tasks, supported only in Polling mode).
Field Documentation
uint32_t(* CounterGet) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_CounterGet, SCCPx_Timer_CounterGet or TMRx_CounterGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_CounterGet or TMR1_CounterGet).
void(* CounterSet) (uint32_t count)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_CounterSet, SCCPx_Timer_CounterSet or TMRx_CounterSet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_CounterSet or TMR1_CounterSet).
void(* Deinitialize) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Deinitialize, SCCPx_Timer_Deinitialize or TMRx_Deinitialize (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Deinitialize or TMR1_Deinitialize).
void(* Initialize) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Initialize, SCCPx_Timer_Initialize or TMRx_Initialize (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Initialize or TMR1_Initialize).
uint32_t(* MaxCountGet) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_MaxCountGet, SCCPx_Timer_MaxCountGet or TMRx_MaxCountGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_MaxCountGet or TMR1_MaxCountGet).
uint32_t(* PeriodGet) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_PeriodGet, SCCPx_Timer_PeriodGet or TMRx_PeriodGet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_PeriodGet or TMR1_PeriodGet).
void(* PeriodSet) (uint32_t count)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_PeriodSet, SCCPx_Timer_PeriodSet or TMRx_PeriodSet (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_PeriodSet or TMR1_PeriodSet).
void(* Start) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Start, SCCPx_Timer_Start or TMRx_Start (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Start or TMR1_Start).
void(* Stop) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Stop, SCCPx_Timer_Stop or TMRx_Stop (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Stop or TMR1_Stop).
void(* Tasks) (void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Tasks, SCCPx_Timer_Tasks or TMRx_Tasks (e.g., SCCP1_Timer_Tasks or TMR1_Tasks, supported only in Polling mode).
void(* TimeoutCallbackRegister) (void(*CallbackHandler)(void))
Pointer to MCCPx_TimeoutCallbackRegister, SCCPx_TimeoutCallbackRegister or TMRx_TimeoutCallbackRegister (e.g., SCCP1_TimeoutCallbackRegister or TMR1_TimeoutCallbackRegister). Timer Driver Examples 40 ms/80 ms Timer Period Change When Switch Is Pressed
This use case sets up a project which changes the time-out period between 40 ms and 80 ms, when a switch is pressed.
Clock Selection: Internal high-frequency oscillator
Oscillator Frequency Selection: 4 MHz system clock (default)
Pin Grid View: Select LED pin as output (Check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "LED"
Pin Grid View: Select SWITCH pin as input (check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "SW"
Enable Weak Pullup if needed
Timer PLIB Selector: TCA0
Timer Enable: False
Interrupt Driven: True
Requested Period: 100 ms
Clock Select: System Clock/8
After configuring the components as described above, click 'Generate' to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h" #include <util/delay.h> /* * Development Board: AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano Board * MCC Configuration: * CLKCTRL module: Clock Selection - Internal high-frequency oscillator, Oscillator Frequency Selection - 4 MHz system clock (default) * Timer module: Timer PLIB Selector - TCA0, Timer Enable - False, Interrupt Driven - True, Requested Timer Period - 100 ms * TCA0 module: Clock Select - System Clock/8, Timer_PeriodSet() API Range - [2 us - 131.072 ms] (read-only) * Pins module: RC6 - GPIO Output, CustomName - LED * RC7 - GPIO Input, CustomName - SW, Pull Up - Enable */ #define SW_PRESSED 0U // Switch - Active Low #define SW_NOT_PRESSED 1U #define DEBONCE_DELAY_MS 20U // Depends on hardware #define MS_TO_TICKS(ms) (((TCA0_CLOCK_FREQ * (ms)) / 1000UL) - 1UL) #define LED_40_MS (MS_TO_TICKS(40UL)) #define LED_80_MS (MS_TO_TICKS(80UL)) static const struct TIMER_INTERFACE *Timer = &Timer0; bool SW_StateGet(void) { bool status = SW_NOT_PRESSED; if(SW_PRESSED == SW_GetValue()) { _delay_ms(DEBONCE_DELAY_MS); if(SW_PRESSED == SW_GetValue()) { status = SW_PRESSED; } } return status; } void Timer_FrequencyChange(void) { static volatile bool changePeriod = false; Timer->Stop(); uint32_t maxCount = Timer->MaxCountGet(); uint32_t newPeriod = changePeriod ? LED_40_MS:LED_80_MS; if(maxCount > newPeriod) { Timer->PeriodSet(newPeriod); } else { // Invalid period } changePeriod = !changePeriod; Timer->Start(); } void Timer_Callback(void) { LED_Toggle(); } int main(void) { SYSTEM_Initialize(); Timer->PeriodSet(LED_40_MS); Timer->TimeoutCallbackRegister(Timer_Callback); Timer->Start(); // Enable the Global Interrupts sei(); while(1) { if(SW_PRESSED == SW_StateGet()) { Timer_FrequencyChange(); } } } A Simple Task Scheduler That Executes Two Different Tasks At Different Intervals Using Timer Interrupt
This use case sets up a project which executes two different tasks at different intervals using a timer interrupt.
Clock Selection: Internal high-frequency oscillator
Oscillator Frequency Selection: 4 MHz system clock (default)
Pin Grid View: Select LED1 pin as output (Check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "LED1"
Pin Grid View: Select LED2 pin as output (Check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "LED2"
Timer PLIB Selector: TCA0
Timer Enable: False
Interrupt Driven: True
Requested Period: 1 ms
After configuring the components as described above, click 'Generate' to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h" /* * Development Board: AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano Board * MCC Configuration: * CLKCTRL module: Clock Selection - Internal high-frequency oscillator, Oscillator Frequency Selection - 4 MHz system clock (default) * Timer module: Timer PLIB Selector - TCA0, Timer Enable - False, Interrupt Driven - True, Requested Timer Period - 1 ms * Pins module: PC5, PC6 - GPIO Output, CustomName - PC5->LED1, PC6->LED2 */ static void Task_A_2ms(void) { LED1_SetHigh(); NOP(); NOP(); LED1_SetLow(); // Add your code here. E.g., LED Toggle } static void Task_B_5ms(void) { LED2_SetHigh(); NOP(); NOP(); LED2_SetLow(); // Add your code here. E.g., Read Sensor } static void Tasks_Scheduler(void) { static volatile uint8_t oneMs_tickCounter = 0; oneMs_tickCounter++; if((oneMs_tickCounter % 2U) == 0U) { Task_A_2ms(); // Run at 2 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, and 10 ms. } if((oneMs_tickCounter % 5U) == 0U) { Task_B_5ms(); // Run at 5 ms and 10 ms. } if(oneMs_tickCounter == 10U) { oneMs_tickCounter = 0; } } int main(void) { const struct TIMER_INTERFACE *Timer = &Timer0; SYSTEM_Initialize(); Timer->TimeoutCallbackRegister(Tasks_Scheduler); Timer->Start(); // Enable the Global Interrupts sei(); while(1) { } } 4 ms/8 ms Timer Period Change During Each Interrupt Event
This use case configures the Timer module to use the TCA0 Peripheral Library (PLIB) to generate an overflow interrupt. The period of a timer is changed at run time during each interrupt event.
Clock Selection: Internal high-frequency oscillator
Oscillator Frequency Selection: 4 MHz system clock (default)
Pin Grid View: Select LED pin as output (Check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "LED"
Timer PLIB Selector: TCA0
Timer Enable: False
Interrupt Driven: True
Requested Period: 10 ms
After configuring the components as described above, click 'Generate' to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h" /* * Development Board: AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano Board * MCC Configuration: * CLKCTRL module: Clock Selection - Internal high-frequency oscillator, Oscillator Frequency Selection - 4 MHz system clock (default) (4 MHz) * Timer module: Timer PLIB Selector - TCA0, Timer Enable - False, Interrupt Driven - True, Requested Timer Period - 10 ms * TCA0 module: Timer_PeriodSet() API Range - [250 ns - 16.384 ms] (read-only) * Pins module: PC6 - GPIO Output, CustomName - LED */ #define TIMER_TICK_FREQ TCA0_CLOCK_FREQ #define MS_TO_TICKS(ms) (((TIMER_TICK_FREQ * (ms)) / 1000UL) - 1UL) #define LED_4_MS MS_TO_TICKS(4UL) // Set the period to be within the PeriodSet API range #define LED_8_MS MS_TO_TICKS(8UL) static const struct TIMER_INTERFACE *Timer = &Timer0; static void Timer_PeriodChange(void) { static volatile bool changePeriod = false; LED_Toggle(); Timer->Stop(); uint32_t maxCount = Timer->MaxCountGet(); uint32_t newPeriod = changePeriod ? LED_4_MS : LED_8_MS; if(maxCount > newPeriod) { Timer->PeriodSet(newPeriod); } else { // Invalid period } changePeriod = !changePeriod; Timer->Start(); } int main(void) { SYSTEM_Initialize(); Timer->PeriodSet(LED_4_MS); Timer->TimeoutCallbackRegister(Timer_PeriodChange); Timer->Start(); // Enable the Global Interrupts sei(); while(1) { } } 500 ms Timer Period in Non-Interrupt Mode
This use case configures the Timer module to use the TCA0 PLIB to generate a specified timer period in Non-Interrupt mode.
Clock Selection: Internal high-frequency oscillator
Oscillator Frequency Selection: 4 MHz system clock (default)
Pin Grid View: Select LED pin as output (Check the schematic for your board)
Pins: Rename Custom Name to "LED"
Timer PLIB Selector: TCA0
Timer Enable: False
Interrupt Driven: False
Requested Period: 500 ms
Clock Select: System Clock/64
After configuring the components as described above, click 'Generate' to generate the code. Then add the following code snippets to your application:
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h" /* * Development Board: AVR128DA48 Curiosity Nano Board * MCC Configuration: * CLKCTRL module: Clock Selection - Internal high-frequency oscillator, Oscillator Frequency Selection - 4 MHz system clock (default) * Timer module: Timer PLIB Selector - TCA0, Timer Enable - False, Interrupt Driven - False, Requested Timer Period - 500 ms * TCA0 module: Clock Selection - System Clock/64 * Pins module: PC6 - GPIO Output, CustomName - LED */ static void Timer_Callback(void) { LED_Toggle(); } int main(void) { SYSTEM_Initialize(); Timer0.TimeoutCallbackRegister(Timer_Callback); Timer0.Start(); while(1) { Timer0.Tasks(); } } File Documentation source/timer_interface.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h>
Data structures
Declares an instance of TIMER_INTERFACE for the TCA0 module.
Defines the deprecated SCCPx_Timer_PeriodCountSet or TMRx_PeriodCountSet API. Set it to 1 for backward compatibility for 16-bit MCUs only.
The InterruptPrioritySet API is not supported.
Detailed Description
TIMER Generated Driver Interface Header File