2.2 I2C Host Driver
2.2.1 Introduction
The MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Melody Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Host Driver generates a portable API to support a generic I2C host interface, and also two important MCC Melody Component concepts: configuration- and firmware-portability.
The I2C Host Driver requires a Peripheral Library (PLIB) dependency that is closely associated to an I2C hardware peripheral. On AVR® MCUs, this is typically a Two Wire Interface (TWI) peripheral.
The I2C bus is a multi-host serial data communication bus. The devices communicate in a host/client environment where the host devices initiate the communication. A client device receives commands/data through addressing.
2.2.2 Required Header Files:
For Host mode, include the following files in your application to use the I2C abstract driver:
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "mcc_generated_files/i2c_host/i2c_host_interface.h"
2.2.3 How to Use the I2C Host Driver
The I2C Host Driver can be used in polled or interrupt modes. Click the links to view the code snippets associated with each:
I2C Host Driver Use - Case examples:
- I2C Host Polling Use - Case 1: Data 0xAA is written to the client at location 0x0010 and read back, using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.WriteRead( ) functions.
- I2C Host Polling Use - Case 2: Data 0x55 is written to the client at location 0x0020 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.Read( ) functions.
- I2C Host Interrupt Use - Case 1: Data 0xAA is written to the client at location 0x0010 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.WriteRead( ) functions.
- I2C Host Interrupt Use - Case 2: Data 0x55 is written to the client at location 0x0020 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.Read( ) functions.
2.2.4 Module Documentation TWI_HOST_DRIVER Module description
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
Module description
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
Data structures
struct i2c_host_interface_t
Structure containing the function pointers of I2C driver.
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
Module description
This header file provides APIs for the TWI0 driver.
Enumeration for I2C states. I2C_host_example I2C Host Basics
The Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus is a multi-host serial data communication bus. The devices communicate in a host/client environment where the host devices initiate the communication. A client device receives commands/input/data through addressing.
Host Examples Include files
Host Polling Example Case 1
Host Polling Example Case 2
Host Interrupt Example Case 1
Host Interrupt Example Case 2 I2C Host Examples
The examples below illustrates how to use the microcontroller as a I2C device in Host mode. The Polling mode and the Interrupt mode are shown in two separate cases, in which the host device writes a value and the client device reads it back. The client device used in this example has 16-bit registers, therefore both Most Significant Byte (MSB) and Least Significant Byte (LSB) are being transmitted.
All the host examples use include these files:
#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h" #include "mcc_generated_files/i2c_host/i2c1.h" #include "mcc_generated_files/i2c_host/i2c_host_interface.h" I2C Host Polling Example Case 1
Data 0xAA is written to the client at location 0x0010 and read back, using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.WriteRead( ) functions.
void I2C_host_example_polling_case_1(void) { uint8_t clientAddr = 0x50; // 7-bit Client address uint8_t deviceRegAddrMsb = 0x00; // MSB of Client location address uint8_t deviceRegAddrLsb = 0x10; // LSB of Client location address // Desired write and read lengths uint8_t writeLength; uint8_t readLength; // Write and read data buffers (buffersize is set for some overhead) uint8_t transmitData[10] = {}; uint8_t readData[10] = {}; uint8_t waitCounter = 0; // Initializes Clock, Pins, Interrupts and I2C Initialize SYSTEM_Initialize(); // Write to client device transmitData[0] = deviceRegAddrMsb; // load MSB of Client location address transmitData[1] = deviceRegAddrLsb; // load LSB of Client location address transmitData[2] = 0xAA; // load data writeLength = 3; // 2 bytes of location address + 1 byte data if ( I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { waitCounter = 100; // This value depends on the system clock, I2C clock and data length. while ( I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { I2C1_Host.Tasks(); waitCounter--; } if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Read from client device writeLength = 2; // 2 bytes of location address readLength = 1; // 1 byte read if (I2C1_Host.WriteRead(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength, readData , readLength)) { waitCounter = 100; // This value depends on the system clock, I2C clock and data length. while ( I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { I2C1_Host.Tasks(); waitCounter--; } if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // WriteRead operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } } I2C Host Polling Example Case 2
Data 0x55 is written to the client at location 0x0020 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.Read( ) functions.
void I2C_host_example_polling_case_2(void) { uint8_t clientAddr = 0x50; // 7-bit Client address uint8_t deviceRegAddrMsb = 0x00; // MSB of Client location address uint8_t deviceRegAddrLsb = 0x20; // LSB of Client location address // Desired write and read lengths uint8_t writeLength; uint8_t readLength; // Write and read data buffers (buffersize is set for some overhead) uint8_t transmitData[10] = {}; uint8_t readData[10] = {}; uint8_t waitCounter = 0; // Initializes Clock, Pins, Interrupts and I2C Initialize SYSTEM_Initialize(); // Write to client device transmitData[0] = 0x00; // load MSB of Client location address transmitData[1] = 0x20; // load LSB of Client location address transmitData[2] = 0x55; // load data writeLength = 3; // 2 bytes of location address + 1 byte data if (I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { waitCounter = 100; // This value depends on the system clock, I2C clock and data length. while (I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { I2C1_Host.Tasks(); waitCounter--; } if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Write which register we wish to read from writeLength = 2; // 2 bytes of location address if (I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { waitCounter = 100; // This value depends on the system clock, I2C clock and data length. while (I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { I2C1_Host.Tasks(); waitCounter--; } if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Read from client device readLength = 1; // 1 byte read if (I2C1_Host.Read(clientAddr, readData, readLength)) { waitCounter = 100; // This value depends on the system clock, I2C clock and data length. while (I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { I2C1_Host.Tasks(); waitCounter--; } if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Read operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } } I2C Host Interrupt Example Case 1
Data 0xAA is written to the client at location 0x0010 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.WriteRead( ) functions.
void I2C_host_example_interrupt_case_1(void) { uint8_t clientAddr = 0x50; // 7-bit Client address uint8_t deviceRegAddrMsb = 0x00; // MSB of Client location address uint8_t deviceRegAddrLsb = 0x10; // LSB of Client location address // Desired write and read lengths uint8_t writeLength; uint8_t readLength; // Write and read data buffers (buffersize is set for some overhead) uint8_t transmitData[10] = {}; uint8_t readData[10] = {}; // Initializes Clock, Pins, Interrupts and I2C Interface SYSTEM_Initialize(); INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable(); // Write to client device transmitData[0] = deviceRegAddrMsb; // load MSB of Client location address transmitData[1] = deviceRegAddrLsb; // load LSB of Client location address transmitData[2] = 0xAA; // load data writeLength = 3; // 2 bytes of location address + 1 byte data if(!I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { // I2C bus busy, retry later } // Confirm write operation completed and check for error if(!I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Read from client device writeLength = 2; // 2 bytes of location address readLength = 1; // 1 byte read if(I2C1_Host.WriteRead(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength, readData , readLength)) { // I2C bus busy, retry later } // Confirm write operation completed and check for error if(!I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // WriteRead operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } } I2C Host Interrupt Example Case 2
Data 0x55 is written to the client at location 0x0020 and read back using the I2C1_Host.Write( ) and I2C1_Host.Read( ) functions.
void I2C_host_example_interrupt_case_2(void) { uint8_t clientAddr = 0x50; // 7-bit Client address uint8_t deviceRegAddrMsb = 0x00; // MSB of Client location address uint8_t deviceRegAddrLsb = 0x20; // LSB of Client location address // Desired write and read lengths uint8_t writeLength; uint8_t readLength; // Write and read data buffers (buffersize is set for some overhead) uint8_t transmitData[10] = {}; uint8_t readData[10] = {}; // Initializes Clock, Pins, Interrupts and I2C Interface SYSTEM_Initialize(); INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable(); // Write to client device transmitData[0] = deviceRegAddrMsb; // load MSB of Client location address transmitData[1] = deviceRegAddrLsb; // load LSB of Client location address transmitData[2] = 0x55; // load data writeLength = 2 + 1; // 2 bytes of location address + 1 byte data if(!I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { // I2C bus busy, retry later } // Confirm write operation completed and check for error if(!I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Write which register we wish to read from writeLength = 2; // 2 bytes of location address if(!I2C1_Host.Write(clientAddr, transmitData, writeLength)) { // I2C bus busy, retry later } // Confirm write operation completed and check for error if(!I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Write operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } // Read from client device readLength = 1; // 1 byte read if(!I2C1_Host.Read(clientAddr, readData, readLength))) { // I2C bus busy, retry later } // Confirm write operation completed and check for error if(!I2C1_Host.IsBusy()) { if ( I2C1_Host.ErrorGet() == I2C_ERROR_NONE) { // Read operation is successful } else { // Error handling } } }
2.2.5 Class Documentation i2c_event_status_t Struct Reference
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
source/ Public Attributes
bool busy
uint16_t address
uint8_t * writePtr
size_t writeLength
uint8_t * readPtr
size_t readLength
bool switchToRead
i2c_host_error_t errorState
i2c_event_states_t state i2c_host_interface_t Struct Reference
Structure containing the function pointers of I2C driver. Detailed Description
Structure containing the function pointers of I2C driver.
Section: Included Files
#include <i2c_host_interface.h>
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Public Attributes
void(* Initialize )(void)
void(* Deinitialize )(void)
bool(* Write )(uint16_t address, uint8_t *data, size_t dataLength)
bool(* Read )(uint16_t address, uint8_t *data, size_t dataLength)
bool(* WriteRead )(uint16_t address, uint8_t *writeData, size_t writeLength, uint8_t *readData, size_t readLength)
bool(* TransferSetup )(struct I2C_TRANSFER_SETUP *setup, uint32_t srcClkFreq)
i2c_host_error_t(* ErrorGet )(void)
bool(* IsBusy )(void)
void(* CallbackRegister )(void(*callback)(void))
void(* Tasks )(void)
2.2.6 File Documentation source/i2c_host_event_types.h File Reference
#include "i2c_host_types.h" Data structures
struct i2c_event_status_t Enumerations
Enumeration for I2C states. Detailed Description
TWI0 Generated Driver API Header File source/i2c_host_interface.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <xc.h> #include "i2c_host_types.h" Data structures
struct i2c_host_interface_t
Structure containing the function pointers of I2C driver. Detailed Description
TWI0 Generated Driver API Header File