1 MCC Melody API Reference for PIC16F / PIC18F Device Families

Lists the Libraries, Drivers, PLIB Drivers and System Drivers which support PIC16F / PIC18F families of microcontrollers in MCC Melody.

Getting Started Use Cases

To get started with MCC Melody, training materials have been built into the API references for each MCU Family supported: AVR, PIC16F/PIC18F and dsPIC33).
Note: Find a supported MCU here: MCC Melody API References and MCU Device Support.
Many components have a "How to Use the …." section, which include a number of use cases consisting of the following:
  1. Required configuration settings of the component (and potentially other components).
  2. Schematics of the board used, e.g., In Pin Grid View: Select a LED pin as an Output, renaming it to LED.
  3. Code snippets to add to your application.
The use cases can be run on any of the MCUs associated with the that MCU Families API reference and some even more broadly. Only minor modifications will be required to run the use cases on a particular board, e.g., selecting the analog input channel.

Videos: Some of the use cases include videos, which give a high level overview of how to run the use cases. These may be especially useful if new to the MPLAB Tools Ecosystem.

Note: While the videos give an overview of the use case, always check the configuration settings and code snippets for the latest use case version. Use cases will be updated when changes or improvements are made to the component's configuration setting options or the generated API.

Videos Running the MCC Melody use case code snippets for PIC16F/18F:
Many of use cases build on the following components, so this is a good place to start if you are new to MCC Melody:

Library Reference

MCC Melody Libraries implement 'Middleware' functionality, such as protocols. They are independent of MCU peripherals, providing a highly abstracted portable application program interface.

MCC Melody Components - Libraries


Driver API Reference

MCC Melody Drivers support both Configuration and Firmware portability, providing an easy to read and efficient abstraction to the functionality of the peripheral.

MCC Melody Components - Drivers
  • Configuration: Easy View + Register Initialization panel.
  • Generated code: PERIPHERAL_Initialize( ) + API to develop application functionality.

PLIB Driver API Reference

MCC Melody Peripheral LIBraries (PLIBs) provide an API to support periperal specific functionality. (Optional) Portable interface to support firmware portability, but in general only provide non-portable interface to peripheral functionality.

MCC Melody Components - PLIB Drivers

  • Configuration: Easy View + Register Initialization panel.
  • Generated code: PERIPHERAL_Initialize( ) + API to develop application functionality.


System Driver API Reference

System Drivers provide system level core functionality, like Clock, Interrupt, Pins. Some of these can be device dependent.

MCC Melody Components - System Drivers
