6 Revision History

A concise summary of the changes for each version of the PIC16F/PIC18F API Reference.

Revision Date Section Description
22 06/2024 16-bit PWM with Compare Mode Updated Use Case Examples
21 03/2024 System Drivers Updated API Documentation for the PIC16 & PIC18 Configuration Bits System Drivers.
20 01/2024 Libraries Updated API Documentation for the Ethernet Driver Library.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated Use Case Examples for the ADC3 PLIB.
19 12/2023 Drivers
  • Added API Documentation for the following Drivers:
    • Timeout Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added Use Case Examples for the following PLIBs
    • ADC3
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • SPI in MSSP
  • Updated API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • SPI
18 11/2023 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Restructured PLIB sections.
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • Charge Pump
    • ECCP
    • OPAMP with Hardware Peak Detect
    • 16-bit PWM
  • Updated API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • 8-bit DAC
    • I2C with Baud Rate Prescaler
    • EUSART
    • UART
System Drivers
  • Restructured System Driver sections.
  • Added API Documentation for the following System Drivers:
    • MVIO with I3C and I2C Support
    • Configuration Registers
17 09/23 Libraries
  • Added API documentation for the Temperature Sensor Off-chip Device Driver.
  • Updated description for EEPROM Off-chip Device Driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • ADC3 for PIC18F-Q8x device family
    • ADC for PIC12/16F150x, PIC12/16F157x, PIC12/16F161x, PIC12/16F184x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F151x, PIC16F152x, PIC16F152xx, PIC16F153xx, PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, PIC16F176x, PIC16F177x, PIC16F183xx, PIC16F194x and PIC16LF190x device families
    • ADCC for PIC16F171xx and PIC16F181xx device families
    • ADCC for PIC16F180xx and PIC18F-Q20 device families
    • CWG for PIC12/16F157x, PIC12/16F150x and PIC16F145x device families
    • DSM for PIC12/16F182x, PIC12/16F184x and PIC18F-K80 device families
    • HLVD for PIC18F-K50, PIC18F-K20, PIC18F-K80, PIC18F-K22 and PIC18F-K90 device families
    • Memory for PIC12/16F184x, PIC16F178x, PIC16F194x, PIC18F-K20, PIC18F-K22, PIC18F-K4x, PIC18F-K50, PIC18F-K50, PIC18F-K80, PIC18F-K83 and PIC18F-K90 device families
    • Memory for PIC12/16F150x, PIC12/16F157x, PIC12/16F161x, PIC12/16LF155x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F151x, PIC16F152x, PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, PIC16LF156x, and PIC16LF190x device families
    • OPAMP for PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, and PIC16F178x device families
    • OPAMP for PIC16F176x and PIC16F177x device families
    • PWM for PIC12/16F150x, PIC12/16F161x, PIC12/16F184x, PIC12/16LF155x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F152xx, PIC16F153xx, PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, PIC16F176x, PIC16F177x, PIC16F180xx, PIC16F183xx, PIC16F184xx, PIC16F188xx, PIC16F191xx, PIC16LF156x, PIC18F-K40, PIC18F-K42, PIC18F-K83 and PIC18F-Q10 device families
    • Timer0 for PIC12/16F150x, PIC12/16F157x, PIC12/16F161x, PIC12/16F184x, PIC12/16LF155x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F151x, PIC16F152x, PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, PIC16F176x, PIC16F177x, PIC16F178x, PIC16F194x, PIC16LF156x and PIC16LF190x device families
    • Timer2 for PIC12/16F150x, PIC12/16F157x, PIC12/16F184x, PIC12/16LF155x, PIC16F145x, PIC16F151x, PIC16F152x, PIC16F170x, PIC16F171x, PIC16F178x, PIC16F183xx, PIC16F194x, PIC16LF156x, PIC18F-K20, PIC18F-K22, PIC18F-K50, PIC18F-K80 and PIC18F-K90 device families
  • Updated device support lists.
System Drivers
  • Added API Documentation for the following System Drivers:
    • Configuration Bits System for PIC18F-Q20 device family
    • Interrupt Manager for PIC18F-K20, PIC18F-K22, PIC18F-K50, PIC18F-K80 and PIC18F-K90 device families
  • Updated device support lists.
16 08/23 Libraries
  • Added API Documentation for the Data Visualizer Run Time Library.
  • Updated API Documentation for I2C EEPROM Off-Chip Driver.
Drivers Added API Documentation and Use Case Examples for the I3C Target Driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added API Documentation for ADCC for PIC16F184xx, PIC16F191xx, PIC18F-K42, PIC18F-K83 and PIC18F-Q4x families.
  • Added API Documentation for I3C PLIB for PIC18F-Q20 device family.
  • Updated API Documentation for APM for PIC18F-Q71 device family.
System Drivers
  • Added API Documentation for MVIO for PIC18F-Q20 device family.
  • Added API Documentation for Clock Control system driver for PIC16F and PIC18F device families.
  • Updated supported devices for PMD for PIC16F188xx and PIC18F device families.
15 07/23 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Added API Documentation for ADC for PIC18F-K20/K22/K50, PIC12/16LF155x and PIC16LF156x families.
14 06/23 Libraries Added API Documentation for the TCP/IP Lite Driver Library.
13 06/23 Libraries Added API Documentation for the Ethernet Drivers Library.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Renamed and updated documentation for Virtual Port (VPORT) to Signal Routing Port (SRPORT).
  • Added API documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • ADC for PIC16(L)F178x family.
    • DAC for PIC16(L)F177x and PIC16(L)F176x families.
12 05/23 Libraries Updated API Documentation for Data Streamer Library.
Drivers Added Use Case examples and API Documentation for the Delay Blocking Driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated API Documentation for UTMR PLIB Driver
11 05/23 Drivers Added Use Case examples and API Documentation for the CAN 2.0/CAN FD Driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Added the API Documentation for the CAN PLIB Driver.
10 03/23 Libraries
  • Added the API Documentation for the following off-chip drivers:
    • I2C Accel KXTJ3-1057 Driver
    • I2C Generic Eeprom Driver
    • I2C Color Sensor VEML3228 Driver
    • SPI Digipot MCP41HV51
  • Deprecated I2C EEPROM AT24CM02 Library.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated Supported Devices for ADCC.
9 01/2023 All Sections Webhelp page format changed from Tri-pane HTML to Responsive Tiles.
Libraries Added the API Documentation for the I2C Temp Sensor MCP98xx off-chip driver.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added the API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • CCP
    • CRC
    • DSM
    • FVR
    • HLVD
    • SMT
  • Updated the API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • CLC
    • CWG
    • NCO
    • PWM
    • SPI
    • ZCD
  • Added use case examples for the PWM module.
System Drivers
  • Added the API Documentation for the following System drivers:
    • CPU
    • Pin Manager
    • PMD
  • Updated the API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • Clock Reference
    • WDT
    • WWDT
  • Added use case examples for the Pin Manager module.
8 10/2022 Introduction
  • Added new section, Getting Started Use Cases
  • Added links to components with videos running the use cases.
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added and updated the use case example demo videos for the following PLIBs:
    • ADCC
    • Timer0
  • Updated the API Documentation and examples for the following PLIBs:
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q4x, PIC18F-Q71, and PIC18F-Q8x Devices
    • Memory for PIC16F Devices
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q10 Devices
7 10/2022 Libraries Use case demo video link fixes
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
6 10/2022 Libraries Added use case demo videos for Data Streamer Library
Drivers Updated use case demo videos for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Updated the API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • OPAMP
    • DMA
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q4x, PIC18F-Q71, and PIC18F-Q8x Devices
    • Memory for PIC16F Devices
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q10 Devices
  • Added and updated the use case examples
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q4x, PIC18F-Q71, and PIC18F-Q8x Devices
    • Memory for PIC16F Devices
    • Memory for PIC18F-Q10 Devices
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
5 10/2022 Drivers
  • Added use case demo videos for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added CLC API Documentation
  • Added CMP API Documentation
  • Added PWM API Documentation
  • Updated use case examples page for UART and EUSART
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
4 09/2022 Libraries
  • Updated use case examples and API Documentation for Data Streamer
  • Updated use case examples for UART Driver
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs)
  • Added use case examples for the following PLIBs:
    • ADCC
    • TMR0
    • TMR1
    • TMR2
  • Added API Documentation for the following PLIBs:
    • APM
    • TMR0
    • TMR1
    • TMR2
    • UTMR
    • VPORT
  • Link fixes for PLIBs
3 07/2022 Drivers Added sections for I2C Host and I2C Client use case examples and interface documentation
Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Updated I2C sections to document PLIB-level functions only
2 04/2022 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Link Fixes
1 04/2022 Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) Initial Release