1.1 AVR16EB32 Key Features
The AVR® EB family integrates real-time control and drive functionality into the AVR’s functionality. Featuring the latest Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs), these microcontrollers (MCUs) excel as stand-alone processors that will be valuable additions to any modern embedded design.
- Up to 32 KB in-system-programmable Flash memory with a true read-while-write operation
- Programming and Debug Interface Disable (PDID) Security Functionality
- One 16-bit Timer/Counter type E (TCE) with four compare channels for PWM generation and Waveform Extension (WEX)
- One 24-bit Timer/Counter type F (TCF) for frequency generation
- One 16-bit Real-Time Counter (RTC) that can run from an external crystal or internal oscillator
- One 12-bit, 300 ksps, differential Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with a programmable gain amplifier (PGA)
- Two Analog Comparators (ACs) with window compare functions
- Configurable Custom Logic (CCL) with up to four programmable Look-up Tables (LUTs)
- Event System for CPU-independent and predictable inter-peripheral signaling
- Configurable, internally generated reference voltage