1.33.13 I/O Pin Controller (PORT)

The IO Pin Controller (PORT) controls the I/O pins of the device. The I/O pins are organized in a series of groups, collectively referred to as a PORT group. Each PORT group can have up to 32 pins that can be configured and controlled individually or as a group.

Using The Library

PORT PLIB provides two kinds of functions which can be used to control PORT Pins:

  • Pin Functions

  • Group Functions

Pin functions take a particular pin as input and operates only on that pin without affecting any other pins. Whereas group functions can operate on multiple pins of the same port together.

Library Interface

peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
PORT_Initialize Initializes the PORT Library
PORT_PinWrite Writes the specified value to the selected pin
PORT_PinRead Read the selected pin value
PORT_PinLatchRead Read the value driven on the selected pin
PORT_PinToggle Toggles the selected pin
PORT_PinSet Sets the selected pin
PORT_PinClear Clears the selected pin
PORT_PinInputEnable Configures the selected IO pin as input
PORT_PinOutputEnable Enables selected IO pin as output
PORT_GroupRead Read all the I/O pins in the specified port group
PORT_GroupLatchRead Read the data driven on all the I/O pins of the selected port group
PORT_GroupWrite Write value on the masked pins of the selected port group
PORT_GroupSet Set the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupClear Clears the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupToggle Toggles the selected IO pins of a group
PORT_GroupInputEnable Configures the selected IO pins of a group as input
PORT_GroupOutputEnable Configures the selected IO pins of a group as output
PORT_PinPeripheralFunctionConfig Configures the peripheral function on the selected port pin
PORT_PinGPIOConfig Configures the selected pin as GPIO

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
PORT_GROUP Enum Identifies the port groups available on the device
PORT_PIN Enum Identifies the available Ports pins