1.10.8 Dead Man Timer (DMT)

The primary function of the Deadman Timer (DMT) is to reset the processor in the event of a software mal function. The DMT is a free-running instruction fetch timer, which is clocked whenever an instruction fetch occurs until a count match occurs. Instructions are not fetched when the processor is in Sleep mode.

The DMT consists of a 32-bit counter with a time-out count match value as specified by the DMTCNT<3:0> bits in the DEVCFG1 Configuration register.

A Deadman Timer is typically used in mission critical and safety critical applications, where any single failure of the software functionality and sequencing must be detected

Library Interface

Dead Man Timer peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
DMT_Enable Enables the DMT peripheral
DMT_Disable Disables the DMT peripheral
DMT_ClearWindowStatusGet Returns Window is Open flag from the DMT Status Register
DMT_CounterGet Returns the DMT current counter value
DMT_TimeOutCountGet Returns the DMT time-out count value
DMT_WindowIntervalGet Returns the DMT window interval value
DMT_Clear Restarts the DMT counter