1.9.9 Flash Read Controller (FCR) (FCR)

FCR peripheral provides following features, however the PLIB supports only limited ones.

  • SFR interface to control Flash Read features (wait states, ECC reporting, arbitration), and Functional Safety features (ECC Fault and Flash CRC)

  • SEC/DED Hamming Code based ECC capability for improved flash reliability

  • Optional ECC Fault (FLT)

  • Optional CRC for Invariable Memory Test

  • HSM (Hardware Security Module) Support

Using The Library

FCR PLIB provides simple interface to read flash content of the device.

Here is an example code to read from Flash memory

uint8_t buffer[256];

FCR_Read( (uint32_t *) buffer, 256, 0xC008000U);

Library Interface

Flash Read Controller (FCR) peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
FCR_Initialize Initializes FCR module
FCR_Read Reads length number of bytes from a given address in FLASH memory