3.23.3 Controller Area Network (CAN)
The Controller Area Network (CAN) module supports the following key features.
Standards Compliance:
Full CAN 2.0B compliance
Programmable bit rate up to 1 Mbps Message Reception and Transmission:
32/16 message FIFOs
Each FIFO can have up to 32 messages
FIFO can be a transmit message FIFO or a receive message FIFO
User defined priority levels for message FIFOs used for transmission
Acceptance filters for message filtering
Acceptance filter mask for message filtering
Automatic response to Remote Transmit Request (RTR)
Using The Library
The CAN library supports the CAN Normal (Classic) mode. The CAN Normal mode can transfer message in a polling or an interrupt mode.
CAN normal operation with polling
The following example shows the CAN normal mode operation with polling implementation.
void print_menu(void) { printf(" ------------------------------ \\r\\n"); printf(" Press '1' to Transmit message \\r\\n"); printf(" Press '2' to Receive message \\r\\n"); } int main ( void ) { uint32_t messageID = 0; uint32_t rx_messageID = 0; uint8_t message[8]; uint8_t rx_message[8]; uint32_t status = 0; uint8_t messageLength = 0; uint8_t rx_messageLength = 0; uint8_t count = 0; uint8_t user_input = 0; CAN_MSG_RX_ATTRIBUTE msgAttr = CAN_MSG_RX_DATA_FRAME; /* Initialize all modules */ SYS_Initialize ( NULL ); printf(" ------------------------------ \\r\\n"); printf(" CAN Demo \\r\\n"); printf(" ------------------------------ \\r\\n"); print_menu(); /* Prepare the message to send*/ messageID = 0x469; messageLength = 8; for (count = 8; count \>=1; count--){ message[count - 1] = count; } while ( true ) { /* Maintain state machines of all polled Harmony modules. */ /* Check if there is a received character */ if(UART6_ReceiverIsReady() == true) { if(UART6_ErrorGet() == UART_ERROR_NONE) { UART6_Read((void *)&user_input, 1); } switch (user_input) { case '1': printf(" Transmitting Message:"); if (CAN1_MessageTransmit(messageID, messageLength, message, 0, CAN_MSG_TX_DATA_FRAME) == true) { printf("Success \\r\\n"); LED_Toggle(); } else { printf("Failed \\r\\n"); } break; case '2': printf(" Waiting for message: \\r\\n"); while (true) { if (CAN1_InterruptGet(1, CAN_FIFO_INTERRUPT_RXNEMPTYIF_MASK)) { /* Check CAN Status */ status = CAN1_ErrorGet(); if (status == CAN_ERROR_NONE) { memset(rx_message, 0x00, sizeof(rx_message)); /* Receive New Message */ if (CAN1_MessageReceive(&rx_messageID, &rx_messageLength, rx_message, 0, 1, &msgAttr) == true) { printf(" New Message Received \\r\\n"); status = CAN1_ErrorGet(); if (status == CAN_ERROR_NONE) { /* Print message to Console */ uint8_t length = rx_messageLength; printf(" Message - ID : 0x%x Length : 0x%x ", (unsigned int) rx_messageID,(unsigned int) rx_messageLength); printf("Message : "); while(length) { printf("0x%x ", rx_message[rx_messageLength - length--]); } printf("\\r\\n"); LED_Toggle(); break; } else { printf("Error in received message"); } } else { printf("Message Reception Failed \\r"); } } else { printf("Error in last received message"); } } } break; default: printf(" Invalid Input \\r\\n"); break; } print_menu(); } } /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */ return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
CAN normal operation with interrupt
The following example shows the CAN normal mode operation with interrupt implementation.
/* Application's state machine enum */ typedef enum { APP_STATE_CAN_RECEIVE, APP_STATE_CAN_TRANSMIT, APP_STATE_CAN_IDLE, APP_STATE_CAN_USER_INPUT, APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_SUCCESSFUL, APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_ERROR } APP_STATES; /* Variable to save application state */ static APP_STATES state = APP_STATE_CAN_USER_INPUT; void APP_CAN_Callback(uintptr_t context) { xferContext = context; /* Check CAN Status */ status = CAN1_ErrorGet(); if ((status & (CAN_ERROR_TX_RX_WARNING_STATE | CAN_ERROR_RX_WARNING_STATE | CAN_ERROR_TX_WARNING_STATE | CAN_ERROR_RX_BUS_PASSIVE_STATE | CAN_ERROR_TX_BUS_PASSIVE_STATE | CAN_ERROR_TX_BUS_OFF_STATE)) == CAN_ERROR_NONE) { switch ((APP_STATES)context) { case APP_STATE_CAN_RECEIVE: case APP_STATE_CAN_TRANSMIT: { state = APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_SUCCESSFUL; break; } default: break; } } else { state = APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_ERROR; } } int main ( void ) { uint8_t count = 8; bool user_input = 0; /* Initialize all modules */ SYS_Initialize ( NULL ); /* Prepare the message to send*/ messageID = 0x469; messageLength = 8; for (count = 8; count \>=1; count--){ message[count - 1] = count; } while ( true ) { if (state == APP_STATE_CAN_USER_INPUT) { if(SWITCH_Get() == SWITCH_PRESSED_STATE) { while(SWITCH_Get() == SWITCH_PRESSED_STATE); switch (user_input) { case 0: CAN1_CallbackRegister( APP_CAN_Callback, (uintptr_t)APP_STATE_CAN_TRANSMIT, 0 ); state = APP_STATE_CAN_IDLE; CAN1_MessageTransmit(messageID, messageLength, message, 0, CAN_MSG_TX_DATA_FRAME); break; case 1: CAN1_CallbackRegister( APP_CAN_Callback, (uintptr_t)APP_STATE_CAN_RECEIVE, 1 ); state = APP_STATE_CAN_IDLE; memset(rx_message, 0x00, sizeof(rx_message)); /* Receive New Message */ CAN1_MessageReceive(&rx_messageID, &rx_messageLength, rx_message, 0, 1, &msgAttr); break; default: break; } } else { continue; } } /* Check the application's current state. */ switch (state) { case APP_STATE_CAN_IDLE: { /* Application can do other task here */ break; } case APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_SUCCESSFUL: { if ((APP_STATES)xferContext == APP_STATE_CAN_RECEIVE) { } else if ((APP_STATES)xferContext == APP_STATE_CAN_TRANSMIT) { } LED_Toggle(); state = APP_STATE_CAN_USER_INPUT; break; } case APP_STATE_CAN_XFER_ERROR: { if ((APP_STATES)xferContext == APP_STATE_CAN_RECEIVE) { } else { } state = APP_STATE_CAN_USER_INPUT; break; } default: break; } } /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */ return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
Library Interface
peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
CANx_Initialize | Initializes given instance of the CAN peripheral |
CANx_MessageTransmit | Transmits a message into CAN bus |
CANx_MessageReceive | Receives a message from CAN bus |
CANx_MessageAbort | Abort request for a FIFO |
CANx_MessageAcceptanceFilterSet | Set Message acceptance filter configuration |
CANx_MessageAcceptanceFilterGet | Get Message acceptance filter configuration |
CANx_MessageAcceptanceFilterMaskSet | Set Message acceptance filter mask configuration |
CANx_MessageAcceptanceFilterMaskGet | Get Message acceptance filter mask configuration |
CANx_ErrorGet | Returns the error during transfer |
CANx_ErrorCountGet | Returns the transmit and receive error count during transfer |
CANx_InterruptGet | Returns the FIFO Interrupt status |
CANx_TxFIFOIsFull | Returns true if Tx FIFO is full otherwise false |
CANx_AutoRTRResponseSet | Set the Auto RTR response for remote transmit request |
CANx_BitTimingCalculationGet | Returns the bit timing information |
CANx_BitTimingSet | Sets the bit timing |
CANx_CallbackRegister | Sets the pointer to the function (and it is context) to be called when the given CAN's transfer events occur |
CANx_ErrorCallbackRegister | Sets the pointer to the function (and it is context) to be called when error occurs in CAN |
Data types and constants
Name | Type | Description |
CAN_MSG_TX_ATTRIBUTE | Enum | CAN Message TX Attribute for Data Frame and Remote Frame |
CAN_MSG_RX_ATTRIBUTE | Enum | CAN Message RX Attribute for Data Frame and Remote Frame |
CAN_FIFO_INTERRUPT_FLAG_MASK | Enum | CAN FIFO Interrupt Status Flag Mask |
CAN_ERROR | Enum | CAN Transfer Error data type |
CAN_CALLBACK | Typedef | CAN Callback Function Pointer |
CAN_RX_MSG | Struct | CAN RX Message Buffer structure |
CAN_TX_RX_MSG_BUFFER | Struct | CAN Message Buffer structure |
CAN_NOMINAL_BIT_TIMING | Struct | Nominal bit timing parameters |
CAN_BIT_TIMING | Struct | Bit timing parameters |