3.23.20 Reset Controller (RCON)

The Resets collects the various reset sources and generates reset for the device and allows the reset source to be identified by the software. Some of the resets the device support are:

  • Power On Reset: The device contains a power-on-reset (POR) detector, which keeps the system reset until power is stable. This eliminates the need for external reset circuitry to guarantee stable operation when powering up the device.

  • Brown Out Reset: If the voltage supplied to the regulator is inadequate to maintain a regulated level, the regulator Reset circuitry will generate a BOR event, which is synchronized with the system clock, SYSCLK, before asserting the system Reset..

  • Watchdog Reset: The watchdog reset occurs when it times out

  • External Reset/MCLR: A external reset is generated when a low level is detected on the RESET pin

  • Software Reset: Caused by performing software reset command sequence

  • Configuration Mismatch: Caused due to configuration bit values are not opposite to each other.

  • High Voltage Detect: Caused when high voltage is detected.

Refer to the device datasheet for more reset reason details.

Using The Library

The resets (RCON) peripheral library provides API to find the cause of last device reset

Library Interface

peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


RCON_ResetCauseGetReports the cause of the last reset
RCON_ResetCauseClearClears the particular reset cause status bit
RCON_SoftwareResetEnables the software reset

Data types and constants

RCON_RESET_CAUSEEnumIdentifies the possible reason of device reset