3.41.15 Reset Controller (RSTC)

The Reset Controller (RSTC) handles all the resets of the system and generates following reset signals:

  • Processor Reset: Resets processor and also resets the Watchdog Timer

  • Peripheral Reset: Resets the peripheral

  • External Reset: Drives the NRST pin

The following are the sources of reset:

  • General Reset: A general reset occurs when a VDDIO poweron reset is detected, a brownout or a voltage regulation loss is detected by the Supply Controller.

  • Backup Reset: A backup reset occurs when the chip exits from Backup mode.

  • Watchdog Reset: The watchdog reset occurs when it times out

  • Software Reset: The RSTC offers commands to assert processor reset and external reset

  • User Reset: A user reset is generated when a low level is detected on the NRST pin

Using The Library

The RSTC Peripheral library provides API's for the following:

  • To generate a software reset to reset the processor and all the embedded peripherals including the memory.

  • To find the cause of last device reset

  • Poll the NRST pin status or register interrupt callback when it is used as GPIO

Library Interface

Reset Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


RSTC_InitializeInitializes RSTC module with the user configuration
RSTC_ResetResets the processor and all the embedded peripherals including the memory system and, in particular, the Remap Command or this function asserts NRST Pin
RSTC_NRSTPinReadReads the NRST pin level, sampled on each "Master Clock(MCK)" rising edge
RSTC_ResetCauseGetReports the cause of the last reset
RSTC_CallbackRegisterAllows application to register callback with PLIB

Data types and constants

RSTC_RESET_CAUSEStructIdentifies the type of reset
RSTC_RESET_TYPEEnumIdentifies the type of reset, either Processor reset or External Reset
RSTC_CALLBACKTypedefRSTC Callback Function Pointer