3.8.16 Reset Controller (RSTC)

The Reset Controller handles all resets of the system and is driven by power-on reset cells (POR), supply monitor cells (SM), software, the external reset pin, and peripheral events. The RSTC reports the type of reset.

The RSTC drives independently or simultaneously the external reset and the peripheral and dual processor resets.

The RSTC generates following reset signals:

  • Processor and peripherals reset line (also resets the Watchdog Timers)

  • Coprocessor (second processor) reset line

  • Embedded peripherals driven by the coprocessor

  • Power Management Controller (PMC) reset line

  • NRST pin

Using The Library

The reset controller (RSTC) peripheral library provides API to find the cause of last device reset, generate specific reset, assert/de-assert reset of co-processor and its peripherals.

Library Interface

Reset Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


RSTC_InitializeInitializes RSTC peripheral based on MCC configuration
RSTC_ResetCauseGetReports the cause of the latest reset
RSTC_NRSTPinReadReads the NRST pin level, sampled on each "Master Clock(MCK)" rising edge
RSTC_CoProcessorEnableAsserts/de-asserts reset on co-processor
RSTC_CoProcessorPeripheralEnableAsserts/de-asserts reset on co-processor peripherals
RSTC_CallbackRegisterAllows application to register callback with PLIB

Data types and constants

RSTC_RESET_CAUSETypedefIdentifies the cause of reset
RSTC_RESET_TYPEEnumIdentifies the type of reset