5.1 Xplained Pro Landing Page
When an Xplained Pro MCU kit is connected to a computer running Atmel Studio, a landing page for the kit is shown. Figure 5-1 shows a landing page for SAM4S Xplained Pro with PROTO1-, I/O1-, and OLED1 Xplained Pro connected. The landing page provides information like the connected kits name, a picture of the kit, a description of the kit, links to relevant documentation/websites, and all the information stored in the Xplained Pro ID chip, located on the extension modules.
Any developer that would like to add information about an Xplained Pro extension to Atmel Studio has to contact Atmel via e-mail edbg@atmel.com with landing page information and a picture of the kit as shown in the figure above. The landing page uses the name of the kit stored in the ID chip as a key to display the correct information, it is therefore important that Atmel knows the exact name that will be programmed into the chip.