16.13.2 DMAnCON0

Name: DMAnCON0
Address: 0x0FB

DMA Control Register 0

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – EN DMA Module Enable

1 Enables module
0 Disables module

Bit 6 – SIRQEN Start of Transfer Interrupt Request Enable

1 Hardware triggers are allowed to start DMA transfers
0 Hardware triggers are not allowed to start the DMA transfers

Bit 5 – DGO DMA Transaction

1 DMA transaction is in progress
0 DMA transaction is not in progress

Bit 2 – AIRQEN Abort of Transfer Interrupt Request Enable

1 Hardware triggers are allowed to abort DMA transfers
0 Hardware triggers are not allowed to abort the DMA transfers

Bit 0 – XIP Transfer in Progress Status

1 The DMA buffer register currently holds contents from a read operation and has not transferred data to the destination
0 The DMA buffer register is empty or has successfully transferred data to the destination address