Digital Peripherals

  • Three 16-Bit Pulse-Width Modulators (PWM):
    • Dual outputs for each PWM module
    • Integrated 16-bit timer/counter
    • Double-buffered user registers for duty cycles
    • Right/Left/Center/Variable Aligned modes of operation
    • Multiple clock and Reset signal selections
  • Three 16-Bit Timers (TMR0/1/3)
  • Three 8-Bit Timers (TMR2/4/6) with Hardware Limit Timer (HLT)
  • Two Universal Timers (TU16A/TU16B):
    • New Timer module that combines most of the operations of all legacy timers (TMR0/1/2, SMT, CCP) into one single timer
    • Two 16-bit timers can be chained together to create a combined 32-bit timer
  • Eight Configurable Logic Cells (CLC):
    • Integrated combinational and sequential logic
  • One Complimentary Waveform Generator (CWG):
    • Rising and falling edge dead-band control
    • Full Bridge, Half Bridge, One-Channel drive modes
    • Multiple signal sources
    • Programmable dead band
    • Fault-shutdown input
  • Two Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) Modules:
    • 16-bit resolution for Capture/Compare modes
    • 10-bit resolution for PWM mode
  • One Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO):
    • Generates true linear frequency control and increased frequency resolution
    • Input clock up to 64 MHz
  • Programmable CRC with Memory Scan:
    • Reliable data/program memory monitoring for Fail-Safe operation (e.g., Class B)
    • Calculate 32-bit CRC over any portion of Program Flash Memory
  • Two UART Modules:
    • One module (UART1) supports LIN host and client, DALI® mode and DMX mode
    • Asynchronous UART, RS-232, RS-485 compatible
    • Automatic and user timed BREAK period generation
    • Automatic checksums
    • Programmable Stop bits (1, 1.5 and 2 Stop bits)
    • Wake-up on BREAK reception
    • DMA compatible
  • Two SPI Modules:
    • Configurable length bytes
    • Arbitrary length data packets
    • Transmit-without-receive and receive-without-transmit options
    • Transfer byte counter
    • Separate transmit and receive buffers with 2-byte FIFO and DMA capabilities
  • Two I2C Modules, SMBus, PMBus™ Compatible:
    • Supports Standard mode (100 kHz), Fast mode (400 kHz) and Fast mode plus (1 MHz) modes of operation, with built-in internal pull-up resistors
    • 7-bit and 10-bit Addressing modes with Address Masking modes
    • Dedicated address, transmit and receive buffers and DMA capabilities
    • Bus collision detection with arbitration
    • Bus time-out detection and handling
    • I2C, SMBus 2.0 and SMBus 3.0, and 1.8V input level selections
    • Separate transmit and receive buffers with 2-byte FIFO and DMA capabilities
    • Multi-Host mode, including self-addressing
  • One 8-Bit Signal Routing Port Module:
    • Eight signal routing pins per module
    • Supports software read/write and customizable input/output control
    • Supports flip-flops and clock source selection for Hardware State Machine and shift register application
    • Integration with PPS, Interrupt-on-Change and DMA/ADC triggers available
  • Device I/O Port Features:
    • 24 I/O pins including four MVIO pins powered by VDDIO2 (PIC18F24/25/26Q24)
    • 35 I/O pins including 12 MVIO pins powered by VDDIO2 (PIC18F45/46Q24)
    • 43 I/O pins including 12 MVIO pins powered by VDDIO2 (PIC18F55/56Q24)
    • MVIO pins support a voltage range of 1.62V through 5.5V
    • Individually programmable I/O direction, open-drain, slew rate, and weak pull-up control
    • Low-voltage interface on all I/O pins using LV-TTL input buffer
    • Interrupt-on-change on most pins
    • Three programmable external interrupt pins
  • Peripheral Pin Select (PPS):
    • Enables pin mapping of digital I/O