Module Information
The final section in the map file shows code usage summaries for each module. Each module in the program will show information similar to the following.
Module Function Class Link Load Size
init CODE 07D8 0000 1
main CODE 07E5 0000 13
getInput CODE 07D9 0000 4
main.c estimated size: 18
The module name is listed (main.c in the above example). The special module name shared is used for data objects allocated to program memory and to code that is not specific to any particular module.
Next, the user-defined and library functions defined by each module are listed along with the class in which that psect is located, the psect’s link and load address, and its size (shown as bytes for PIC18 devices and words for other 8-bit devices).
After the function list is an estimated size of the program memory used by that module.