Controls the Interrupt Lines (nIRQ and nFIQ) of an Arm Processor
61 Individually Maskable and Vectored
Interrupt Sources
Source 0 is reserved for the fast interrupt input (FIQ)
Source 1 is reserved for system peripheral
Source 2 to Source 60 control up to
126 embedded
peripheral interrupts or external interrupts
Programmable edge-triggered or level-sensitive internal
Programmable rising/falling edge-triggered or high/low
level-sensitive external sources
8-level Priority Controller
Drives the normal interrupt of the processor
Handles priority of the interrupt sources 1 to 60
Higher priority interrupts can be served during service of lower priority interrupt
Optimizes interrupt service routine branch and execution
One 32-bit vector register for all interrupt sources
Interrupt vector register reads the corresponding current interrupt vector or the current interrupt number
Protect Mode
Easy debugging by preventing automatic operations when protect models are enabled
Fast Forcing
Permits redirecting any normal interrupt source to the fast interrupt of the processor
General Interrupt Mask
Provides processor synchronization on events without triggering an interrupt
Register Write Protection
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