4.18.1 Description

The Parallel Input/Output Controller (PIO) manages up to 32 fully programmable input/output lines. Each I/O line may be dedicated as a general-purpose I/O or be assigned to a function of an embedded peripheral. This ensures effective optimization of the pins of the product.

Each I/O line is associated with a bit number in all of the 32-bit registers of the 32-bit wide user interface.

Each I/O line of the PIO Controller features the following:

  • An input change interrupt enabling level change detection on any I/O line
  • Additional Interrupt modes enabling rising edge, falling edge, low-level or high-level detection on any I/O line
  • A glitch filter providing rejection of glitches lower than one-half of peripheral clock cycle
  • A debouncing filter providing rejection of unwanted pulses from key or push button operations
  • Multi-drive capability similar to an open drain I/O line
  • Control of the I/O line pullup and pulldown
  • Input visibility and output control

The PIO Controller also features a synchronous output providing up to 32 bits of data output in a single write operation.