4.9.5 Functional Description
The RTC provides a full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock that includes century (19/20), year (with leap years), month, date, day, hours, minutes and seconds reported in RTC Time Register (RTC_TIMR) and RTC Calendar Register (RTC_CALR).
The RTC can operate in UTC mode, giving the number of seconds elapsed since a reference time defined by the user (the UTC standard—ISO 8601—reference time is the 30th of June 1972). In this mode, the timefield is 32 bits wide and coded in hexadecimal format.
The valid year range is up to 2099 in Gregorian mode.
The RTC can operate in 24-hour mode or in 12-hour mode with an AM/PM indicator.
Corrections for leap years are included (all years divisible by 4 being leap years except 1900). This is correct up to the year 2099.
The RTC can generate events to trigger ADC measurements.