6.4 Procedure to Visualize Touch Tune Data

Prerequisites to Enable Touch Tune Data:

  1. MPLAB Data Visualizer or MPLAB DV plug-in (if MPLABX IDE is already present) must be installed in the host system.
  2. A UART-to-USB converter is required to stream the UART data from the MTCH1060 at a baud rate of 38400 to the host system. One of the following converter boards is recommended:
  3. The configuration files required to connect to MPLAB DV can be downloaded from the MTCH1060 product page.

To connect the hardware:

  1. Connect the TX pin (header J2) of the MTCH1060 Evaluation Kit to the RX pin of the Touch Bridge or Breakout Module.
  2. Connect the GND pins of the MTCH1060 Evaluation Kit and the Touch Bridge or Breakout Module.
  3. Connect the Touch Bridge or Breakout Module to the host system’s USB port with an appropriate USB mini or USB micro cable.

To connect MPLAB DV and the Evaluation Kit:

  1. Open MPLAB Data Visualizer.
  2. Click on Connections, and click the correct COM port. Enter the Baud rate in the COM settings as shown in the following images.
  3. Select the Variable Streamer tab and select the Auto-Configure option.
  4. In the Auto-Configure options, select the correct folder path where the .ds files are available.
  5. From the Auto-Configure drop-down, select the correct COM port to visualize the output.
  6. The MPLAB DV shows Tune Data from the MTCH1060 as shown in the following image.