Start of Client Select and End of Client Select Interrupts

The Start of Client Select Interrupt Flag and Start of Client Select Interrupt Enable are the SOSIF and SOSIE bits, respectively. The End of Client Select Interrupt Flag and End of Client Select Interrupt Enable are the EOSIF and EOSIE bits, respectively. These interrupts trigger at the leading and trailing edges of the Client Select input.

The interrupts are active in both Host and Client mode and will trigger on transitions of the Client Select input, regardless of which mode the SPI is in. In Host mode, the PPS controls will be used to assign the Client Select input to the same pin as the Client Select output, allowing these interrupts to trigger on changes to the Client Select output.

In Client mode, changing the SSET bit can trigger these interrupts, as it changes the effective input value of Client Select.

Both SOSIF and EOSIF must be cleared in software.