The PIC18-Q20 microcontroller family is one of the smallest PIC18 product families available in 14/20-pin devices for sensor-interfacing, real-time control and communication applications.
This family showcases the Improved Inter-Integrated Circuit® (I3C) Target module with a higher communication rate and a 10-bit 300 ksps ADC with Computation for responsive sensor designs. The family features a Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) interface with multiple pins powered by VDDIO2 and VDDIO3 that allows for these pins to operate at a different voltage domain than the rest of the microcontroller. The family also features the 8-bit Signal Routing Port module to interconnect digital peripherals without using external pins.
Additional features include vectored interrupt controller with fixed latency for handling interrupts; a system bus arbiter; Direct Memory Access (DMA) capabilities; two UART with support for asynchronous modes and (for the Full-Featured UART) DMXand DALI® lighting control standards and LIN protocol; individual SPI and I2C modules; and a programmable 32-bit CRC with memory scan.
This family also includes Memory Access Partition (MAP) featuring a user-configurable Storage Area Flash (SAF) with One-Time Programmability to support users in bootloader applications. Also included is a separate Device Information Area (DIA) to store factory calibration values, to help improve temperature sensor accuracy.