27.1 Features

  • Glue Logic for General Purpose PCB Design
  • Two Programmable Look-Up Tables (LUTs)
  • Combinatorial Logic Functions: Any Logic Expression Which Is a Function of up to Three Inputs
  • Sequencer Logic Functions:
    • Gated D flip-flop
    • JK flip-flop
    • Gated D latch
    • RS latch
  • Flexible LUT Input Selection:
    • I/Os
    • Events
    • Subsequent LUT output
    • Internal peripherals such as:
      • Analog comparator
      • Timers/counters
      • USART
      • SPI
  • Clocked by a System Clock or Other Peripherals
  • Output Can Be Connected to I/O Pins or an Event System
  • Optional Synchronizer, Filter, or Edge Detector Available on Each LUT Output