2.2 Get Familiar with the Assignment Project
Todo: Get familiar with the hands-on project, and verify that the project builds with no errors.
- Open the assignment project Assignment1
by following the steps listed below:
- Open Microchip Studio.
- Select File → Open → Project/Solution...
- Navigate to
Assignment1 and open Assignment1.atsln.
Info: The hands-on project will be loaded, and the project content listed in the Solution Explorer panel. If required, open the solution explorer by selecting View → Solution Explorer. - Study the assignment project structure. Open
the .c files listed in the Solution Explorer and study the implementation
of various functions called from main.c.Info: The main.c should appear as shown below:
#define F_CPU 10000000ul #include <avr/io.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "main.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "io.h" #include "usart.h" #include "adc.h" #include "data_streamer.h" int main(void) { clock_init(); io_init(); adc_init(); usart0_init(); while (1) { } }
Info:- clock_init(), clock._config.c: Initializes the CPU clock to 10 MHz in clock_config.c.
- io_init(),
io.c: Configures the directions of IO pins used in the
hands-on application:
- Pin PB2, output, TXD
- Pin PB7, output, LED
- Pin PA5, analog input, ADC
- usart0_init(), usart.c:
Initializes the USART:
- Baud rate: 115200
- adc_init(), adc.c is empty and will be implemented as a part of this assignment
Tip: To see how and where functions and definitions are implemented, right-click a function followed by goto implementation. - Build the project by selecting Build →
Build Solution or by pressing F7. This will generate the project
dependencies list.Info: avr/io.h is included at the top of main.c. This header file is common for all AVR® devices, and including this file will ensure that the appropriate device header file is included, based on selected project settings. Open iotn1627.h from Solution Explorer → Dependencies to view the ATtiny1627 device header file. Additional information on coding style and structure is available in the AVR1000 application note at www.microchip.com/wwwappnotes/appnotes.aspx?appnote=en591581.
- Make sure the project was successfully built in
the previous step.Tip: If there were build errors, the error list should appear automatically, but it can also be opened manually by selecting View → Error List from the top menu bar.
Result: The project is initialized and ready for development.