2.1.3 Temperature Measurement
Task: Compare the measured temperature from Internal Temperature Sensor (ADC8) with temperature vs. sensor output voltage defined in Table Temperature vs. Sensor Output Voltage (Typical Case) of the ATtiny88 datasheet.
This can be done either in single conversion mode, or free running mode if a continuous temperature monitoring is required.
The steps to be followed are the same as mentioned in Single Conversion Mode and Free Running mode, with one exception:
- Select ADC channel 8 by writing the Analog Channel Selection bit group in the ADC Multiplexer Selection register (ADMUX.MUX) to '0b1000'
Test Steps
- Build the project and load the hex file into the device.
- Make the arrangements on STK600 as described in the beginning of the section.
- Compare the measured temperature from the internal temperature sensor, with temperature vs. sensor output voltage defined in Table 17-2 of the data sheet.
- If the measured temperature from the internal temperature sensor is less than the temperature vs. sensor output voltage defined in Table 17-2, the LED0 connected to PB0 will be ON, otherwise OFF. LED1 connected to PB1 is always twinkling, indicating the project is running.