4.1 SAM D5x/E5x

SAM D5x/E5x Videos

Table 4-1. SAM D5x/E5x Videos
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting Started with ToolsN/AA step-by-step guide explaining:
  • How to Install MPLAB® X IDE
  • How to Install MPLAB XC32 Compiler
  • How to install the Configurator
  • How to Download the Harmony Framework from the MPLAB Harmony v3 repository

MPLAB Harmony v3 is configurable through the MCC. Refer to items 6 and 7 for specific instructions to use the MCC.

How to Set-up the Tools Required to Get Started with Harmony v3
2Getting Started with Device/KitSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Explains how to create a simple application for the SAM E54 using MPLAB Harmony v3. This application sends a “Hello World!” string to the PC terminal.

Microchip is moving from the MHC to the MCC. Refer to items 6 and 7 in the table.

Create Your First Project with SAME54
3Getting Started with Device/KitSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Explains how to create a simple application for the SAM E51 using MPLAB Harmony v3. This application toggles an LED periodically and prints the LED toggling rate on a serial terminal.

Microchip is moving from the MHC to the MCC. Refer to items 6 and 7 in the table.

Getting Started with SAM E51 Curiosity Nano
4IoT SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Explains the steps to Create an IoT-Based Heart Rate Monitoring Application.

The application displays heart rate readings (in beats per minute (bpm)) on a very low-power consuming display and posts this Heart Rate data to the Microchip Bluetooth Data (MBD) Android mobile application through Bluetooth Low Energy.

How to Create a BLE Fitness Tracker Application on SAM E51 Curiosity Nano
5Getting Started with Device/ KitSAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)Explains how to create a simple application for the SAM E51 using MPLAB Harmony v3. This application toggles an LED periodically and prints the LED toggling rate on a serial terminal.

The demonstration application has additional functionality to print the current room temperature using an on board temperature sensor.

Getting Started with the SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra
6Getting Started with Software ToolsN/AExplains how to use the MCC Content Manager.MPLAB® Code Configurator Content Manager
7Getting Started with Software ToolsVideo covers Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 Development Board (DM320209)


SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)

Explains how to create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using the MCC and shows how to migrate an MHC-based project to an MCC based project.Getting Started with Harmony v3 Using Code Configurator
8Getting started with Docs N/AIntroduces the Quick Docs package to help develop applications using Microchip's 32-bit products using the MPLAB Harmony v3 software framework.Harmony Quick Docs Package
9Getting started with SolutionsN/AIntroduces the MPLAB Harmony v3 Reference Apps package and describes its typical application types and download methods.Harmony Reference Applications Package
10CAN USB bridge & CAN-based Host/Bootloader Application using SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation KitSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)This application acts as a CAN-USB bridge and a CAN-based NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) bootloader host application. With CAN-USB bridge functionality, it reads the data transmitted on a CAN network via the CAN peripheral and displays it on the PC serial terminal window using the USB CDC virtual COM port. With CAN NVM bootloader host functionality, it sends the binary image from the Python script to the target over the CAN bus for programming.CAN USB bridge & CAN-based Host/Bootloader Application using SAM E54 Xplained Pro Eval Kit

SAM D5x/E5x Training Modules

Table 4-2. SAM D5x/E5x Training Modules
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting Started with Device/ KitSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Shows how to create an application to get started with the SAM D5x/ E5x using the MPLAB Harmony v3 software framework.

This training module is based on the MHC. The same flow can be used to create a project for the MCC.

Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM D5x/E5x
2Getting Started with Device/ KitSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Shows how to create an application to get started with the SAM E5x using the MPLAB Harmony v3 software framework with FreeRTOS.

This training module is based on the MHC. The same flow can be used to create a project for the MCC.

Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E54 MCUs Using FreeRTOS
3Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to create a new MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Harmony v3 project from scratch.Create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using MCC
4Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to open an existing project and use it with the MCC.MCC - Open an Existing MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project
5Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to install the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) plugin and how to download the MPLAB Harmony v3 framework.MPLAB® Code Configurator Overview with MPLAB Harmony Content
6Getting started with toolsSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Shows how to create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using the MCC.Create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using MCC
7Application SpecificSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Shows how to create a low-power application on a SAM E54 showcasing the current measurement on Idle and Standby Sleep modes. The current consumption data is shown on a data visualizer. Low Power Application on SAM E54
8MigrationThough this training is using PIC32MZ EF, the same training can be used for other MCUsShows how to update and configure an existing MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC)-based MPLAB Harmony v3 project to a MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)-based project. Update and Configure an Existing MHC-based MPLAB Harmony v3 Project to MCC-based Project
9AI/ MLIntegrated Graphics and Touch (IGaT) Curiosity Evaluation Kit (EV14C17A) Shows how to create an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) application using TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers (TFLM) to recognize handwritten digits on a SAM E51 Integrated Graphics and Touch (IGAT) Curiosity Evaluation Kit. Digit Recognition AI/ML Application on SAM E51 IGAT
10Motor controldsPICDEM MCLV-2 Development Board Low Voltage (DM330021-2)


ATSAME54 Motor Control Plugin Module (MA320207)

Shows how to create a motor control application Brushless DC (BLDC) block commutation using a hall sensor on a SAM E54 microcontroller.

This training module is based on the MHC. The same flow can be used to create a project for the MCC.

Create your first Motor Control Application
11IoTSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Shows how to develop an application prototype from a concept without designing a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) using the 32-bit MCU-based Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kits and Nano baseboard.

This training uses the PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano. The same training can be used for other MCUs that are supported on the Curiosity Nano platform.

Rapid prototyping with 32-bit MCU-based Curiosity Nano

SAM D5x/E5x Virtual/On-Demand Training

Some of the following virtual trainings were developed using other MCUs. The same trainings can be ported to the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit.

Table 4-3. SAM D5x/E5x Virtual/On-Demand Training
Sl. NoEventDescriptionLink
1Design Week 2022 - Rapid Prototyping Connected Applications With 32-bit MicrocontrollersDiscusses how to rapidly develop an IoT-centered smart appliance control application prototype from a concept. Refer to items 2, 3, and 4 in this table for details. Link
2Rapid Prototyping with Curiosity Nano: Part I webinarDiscusses how to rapidly develop an IoT-centered smart appliance control application prototype from a concept. In the first part, The concept of creating a system to capture sensor data and control actuators through an I2C interface is explained.

This demonstration was developed on the PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit. It can be easily ported to the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A).

3Rapid Prototyping with Curiosity Nano: Part II webinarDiscusses how to rapidly develop an IoT-centered smart appliance control application prototype from a concept. In the second part, the concept of creating a system to capture and display sensor data through the UART and SPI interfaces is explained.

This demonstration was developed on the PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit. It can be easily ported to the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A).

4Rapid Prototyping with Curiosity Nano: Part III webinarDiscusses how to rapidly develop an IoT-centered smart appliance control application prototype from a concept. In the third part, the concepts needed to add more functionality to the project created in the first part of this webinar series is explained:
  • Extending the project to display the data captured by sensors through the SPI.
  • Extending the project to add wireless capability through the UART.

This demonstration was developed on the PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit. It can be easily ported to the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A).

5Develop 32-bit MCU applications using MPLAB® Harmony v3Discusses the fundamentals of MPLAB Harmony v3, the middleware, and other design tools available for application development. It showcases a weather station demonstration using the SAM D21 32-bit microcontroller using the SAM D21 Curiosity Nano (DM320119). The same can be ported for the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A).Link

More virtual trainings are available at Microchip University. Click on the following links for more details:

SAM D5x/E5x Technical Briefs

Table 4-4. SAM D5x/E5x Technical Briefs
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaDescriptionLink
1Getting StartedTB3231: This document explains how to create a simple application on a SAM MCU using the MPLAB Harmony v3 modules. This application sends a “Hello World!” string to a console running on a computer.

This document is explained on one MCU, it can be ported for other MCUs.

Note: Microchip is moving from the MHC to the MCC. Refer to items 6 and 7 in the Videos table.
2Getting StartedTB3232: This document explains how to set up the tools required to get started with the MPLAB Harmony v3 software development framework.Link
3Getting StartedTB3304: How to Add a New Configuration to an Existing MPLAB Harmony v3 ProjectLink
4Getting StartedTB3305: How to Use the MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Manifest FeatureLink
5Getting StartedTB3290: MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous Drivers and Their Usage in FreeRTOS Based ApplicationsLink
6Getting StartedTB3269: The Differences Between MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Drivers and When to Use ThemLink
7Getting StartedTB3291: The Difference Between MPLAB Harmony v3 PLIBs and Drivers, and When to Use Them Link
8Getting StartedTB3226: Clock System Configuration and Usage on SAM E5x (Cortex M4) DevicesLink
9MigrationTB3298: How to Move an Application into a Desired Flash Memory Location with the Help of Linker Script on SAM E54Link
10Getting StartedTB3253: How to Build an Application by Adding a New PLIB, Driver, or Middleware to an Existing MPLAB Harmony v3 ProjectLink
11Getting StartedTB3246: How to Use the MPLAB Harmony v3 Debug System ServiceLink
12Peripheral FeatureTB3230: Various Timers on SAM DevicesLink
13Peripheral FeatureTB3222: EEPROM Emulation for Flash-Only DevicesLink
14MCU FeatureTB3183: What is Sleepwalking? How it helps to reduce the power consumption?Link
15Getting StartedTB3355: How to Use the MPLAB® Data Visualizer with 32-bit MCU based Curiosity Nano Evaluation KitsLink

SAM D5x/E5x Application Notes

Table 4-5. SAM D5x/E5x Application Notes
Sl. NoType/ Focus Area DescriptionNote Link
1MigrationAN4495: MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Migration application note discusses the migration of an existing MPLAB Harmony v3 based project developed on a particular hardware (microcontroller or development board) platform to another one of Microchip's 32-bit hardware platforms of the user's choice.Link
2TCP/IPAN4833: File Transfer Protocol Using MPLAB Harmony v3 TCP/IP Stack for SAM E54 MCULink
3SecurityAN3923: AES Cipher Modes Using MPLAB Harmony v3 for the SAM E54Link
4BootloaderAN3767: Live Update Application on SAM E54 MCU Using MPLAB Harmony v3Link
5BootloaderAN3508: Dual Bank Bootloader on SAM E54 Microcontroller (MCU) Using MPLAB Harmony v3Link
6Low PowerAN3342: SleepWalking with Event System Using the SAM E54Link
7Feature specificAN4383: 32-bit Microcontroller Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP)Link
8MigrationAN3346: Introduction to MPLAB and Harmony v3 for Atmel Studio and ASF UsersLink

SAM D5x/E5x Application Demonstrations

Table 4-6. SAM D5x/E5x Application Demonstrations
Sl. NoTypeHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting startedSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Getting Started Application on the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit.Link
2Getting startedSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Getting Started Application on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit.Link
3Getting startedSAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)Getting Started Application with the SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board.Link
4IoTSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)BLE Fitness Tracker Application on the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit and Nano Base for Click boards.Link
5IoTSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Google Cloud IoT Core Application on the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit.Link
6Low PowerSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Low-Power Application Demonstration on the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit with OLED C.Link
7IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Weather Click ExampleLink
8HMISAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Eink Display Bundle Click exampleLink
9IoT, MedicalSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Heart Rate 9 Click ExampleLink
10IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)IR Thermo 2 Click ExampleLink
11IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)10DOF Click ExampleLink
12DisplaySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)LED Driver 3 Click ExampleLink
13StorageSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)EEPROM 4 Click ExampleLink
14GamingSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Thumbstick Click ExampleLink
15Click ExtensionSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)XPRO Adapter Click ExampleLink
16IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Fan Click ExampleLink
17IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)GSM GPS Click ExampleLink
18IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)PIR Click ExampleLink
19ConnectivitySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)USB UART Click ExampleLink
20DisplaySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)OLED C Click ExampleLink
21IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)WIFI 7 Click ExampleLink
22IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)RFID Click ExampleLink
23ConnectivitySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)USB I2C Click ExampleLink
24IoT, AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)BLE 2 Click ExampleLink
25AutomationSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)GRID EYE Click ExampleLink
26Wireless ConnectivitySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)LR Click ExampleLink
27ConnectivitySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)USB SPI Click ExampleLink
28AutomotiveSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)CAN to USB bridge Application using SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit.Link
29ConsumerSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Vending Machine Application Demonstration on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit using MP.Link
30Low PowerSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Low-Power Application on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit.Link
31Low PowerSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)SleepWalking Application on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit.Link
32AutomationSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)EEPROM Temperature Logger Application on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit using FreeRTOS.Link
33AutomationSAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)Motion Surveillance Application on the SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board.Link
34BootloaderSAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)Live Update Application on the SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board.Link
35Audio, ConsumerSAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)SD Card USB Audio Player on the SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board + maXTouch® Curiosity Pro Board using Legato Graphics.Link
36microSDSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)This application showcases the capabilities of the microSD Click module. It demonstrates various file operations that can be performed on an SD card.Link
3713DOFSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)This application demonstrates the reading of weather parameters (Temperature, Pressure , Humidity and Gas Resistance) from BME680 sensor, Motion parameters (Gyroscope, Accelerometer) in X , Y and Z axes from BMI088 sensor,Geomagnetic data in X , Y and Z axes from BMM150 sensor.Link
38Eink E-Paper display 2,9" 296x128 dots displaySAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)This example demonstrates the display capability of Eink E-Paper display 2,9" 296x128 dots display board on SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit.Link
39MCP25625SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)This example demonstrates the transmitting and receiving of CAN data using the MCP25625 CAN click board and displays the transmit/receive CAN message on a serial terminal on SAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit using the MCP25625 Click board.Link
40Barcode ScannerIntegrated Graphics and Touch (IGaT) Curiosity Evaluation Kit (EV14C17A)This application detects the EAN-13 barcode and decodes it with the help of the ArduCAM Mega camera module. The ArduCAM Mega captures an image with a resolution of 1920x1080 and stores the image in an internal memory. The decoded barcode is then displayed on the serial console and graphical display.Link

More application demonstrations are available at Microchip's MPLAB Harmony GitHub repositories. Refer to the following links:

SAM D5x/E5x Reference Designs/Solutions

Table 4-7. SAM D5x/E5x Reference Designs/ Solutions
Sl. NoTypeHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1HMIIntegrated Graphics and Touch (IGaT) Curiosity Evaluation Kit (EV14C17A) Low-Cost GUI With Graphics and Touchscreen Demonstration.Link
2HMIIntegrated Graphics and Touch (IGaT) Curiosity Evaluation Kit (EV14C17A)


SAM E54 Curiosity Ultra Development Board (DM320210)

Graphical User Interface Demonstrations: MPLAB Harmony v3 has various demonstration examples for creating an intuitive and reliable GUI in applications.Ref design Link


Graphics demonstration link

3Motor ControldsPICDEM MCLV-3 Development Board High Voltage (DM330023-3)

dsPICDEM MCLV-2 Development Board Low Voltage (DM330021-2)

and ATSAME54 Motor Control Plugin Module (MA320207)

Motor Control for Appliances: There are multiple demonstration examples, which are pre-configured to run on Microchip’s various motor control development boards for easy prototyping of motor drive applications.Ref Design Link


Motor Control examples

4ConnectivitySAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)Vending Machine Demonstration: This solution demonstrates an embedded network application to update and track the status of the drinks being offered in a vending machine.Link
5IoTSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)IoT Smart Appliance Control Demonstration: This solution showcases smart control of a fan through an Android™-based smartphone using a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) connection.

This solution is done for the PIC32CM MC00 Curiosity Nano. It can be ported for the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano (EV76S68A).

6IoTSAM E51 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit (EV76S68A)Fitness Tracker Wearables Demonstration: This fitness tracker demonstration displays the heart rate readings measured in beats per minute (bpm) on a low-power E ink display, and optionally posts this data to the Microchip Bluetooth® Data mobile application for Android™ through Bluetooth Low-Energy technology.Link
7CAN, USBSAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit (ATSAME54-XPRO)This reference design acts as a CAN-USB bridge along with CAN based NVM bootloader host application. With CAN-USB bridge functionality, it reads the data transmitted on a CAN network via the CAN peripheral and displays it on the PC serial terminal window using the USB CDC virtual COM port. With CAN NVM bootloader host functionality, it sends the binary image from the Python script to the target over the CAN bus for programming.Link