4.3 PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Videos

Table 4-13. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Videos
Sl.NoType/Focus AreaHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting Started with ToolsN/A

A step-by-step guide explaining the following:

  • How to Install MPLAB® X IDE
  • How to Install MPLAB XC32 Compiler
  • How to install the Configurator
  • How to Download the Harmony Framework from MPLAB Harmony v3 repositories on GitHub. MPLAB Harmony v3 is configurable through the MCC. Refer to items 6 and 7 for specific instructions to use the MCC.
How to Set-up the Tools Required to Get Started with MPLAB Harmony v3
2Getting Started with Software ToolsN/AExplains how to use the MCC Content Manager.MPLAB® Code Configurator Content Manager
3Getting Started with Software ToolsThough the video covers DM320209 and EV76S68A, the same content can be replicated for PIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A) and other MCUs of the family.Explains how to create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using the MCC and shows how to migrate an MHC-based project to an MCC- based project.Getting Started with Harmony v3 Using Code Configurator
4Getting started with DocsN/AIntroduces the Quick Docs package to help develop applications using Microchip's 32-bit products using the MPLAB Harmony v3 software framework.Harmony Quick Docs Package
5Getting started with SolutionsN/AIntroduces the MPLAB Harmony Reference Apps package and describes its typical application types and download methods.Harmony Reference Applications Package
6Getting Started applicationPIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A)This application demonstrates how to toggle LED by pressing switch SW on a timeout basis and viewing the LED toggling rate on the serial terminal.Demonstrating Application Development with PIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Training Modules

Table 4-14. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Training Modules
SL.NoType/ Focus AreaHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to create a new MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) Harmony v3 project from scratch.Create a new MPLAB Harmonyv3 project using MCC
2Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to open an existing project and use it with the MCC.MCC - Open an Existing MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project
3Getting started with toolsN/AShows how to install the MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) plugin, and how to download the MPLAB Harmony v3 framework.MPLAB® Code Configurator Overview with MPLAB Harmony Content Manager
4Getting started with toolsThis training uses the SAM D5x/E5x. The same training can be used as a reference for other MCUs.Shows how to create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using the MCC.Create a new MPLAB Harmony v3 project using MCC
5MigrationThis training uses the PIC32MZ EF. The same training can be used for other MCUs.Shows how to update and configure an existing MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC)-based MPLAB Harmony v3 project to a MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)-based project.Update and Configure an Existing MHC-based MPLAB Harmony v3 Project to MCC based Project

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Virtual / On-Demand Training

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Technical Briefs

Table 4-15. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Technical Briefs
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaDescriptionLink
1Getting StartedTB3231: This document explains how to create a simple application on a SAM MCU using the MPLAB Harmony v3 modules. This application sends a “Hello World!” string to a console running on a computer.

Though this document is explained on one MCU, it can be ported to other MCUs.

2Getting StartedTB3232: This document explains how to set up the tools required to get started with the MPLAB Harmony v3 software development framework.Link
3Getting StartedTB3304: How to Add a New Configuration to an Existing MPLAB Harmony v3 ProjectLink
4Getting StartedTB3305: How to Use the MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Manifest FeatureLink
5Getting StartedTB3290: MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous Drivers and Their Usage in FreeRTOS Based ApplicationsLink
6Getting StartedTB3269: The Differences Between MPLAB Harmony v3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Drivers and When to Use ThemLink
7Getting StartedTB3291: The Difference Between MPLAB Harmony v3 PLIBs and Drivers, and When to Use ThemLink
8Getting StartedTB3227: Clock System Configuration and Usage on SAM C2x (Cortex M0+) DevicesLink
9Getting Started

TB3253: How to Build an Application by Adding a New PLIB, Driver, or Middleware to an Existing MPLAB Harmony v3 Project

10Getting StartedTB3246: How to Use the MPLAB Harmony v3 Debug System ServiceLink
11Peripheral FeatureTB3243: How to Wake-up Fast from an External Event on Cortex M0+ Based MCUsLink
12Peripheral FeatureTB3230: Various Timers on SAM DevicesLink
13Peripheral FeatureTB3222: EEPROM Emulation for Flash-Only DevicesLink
14MCU Feature TB3183: What is Sleepwalking? How it helps to reduce the power consumption?Link
15Peripheral Feature

TB3170: How the Event System Helps to Lower CPU Load and Power Consumption in Cortex ™-M0+ Microcontrollers

16Getting StartedTB3345: Creating the First Application on PIC32CX SG Microcontrollers Using MPLAB Harmony v3 with MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)Link
17MCU FeatureTB3359: Immutable Boot on PIC32CX SG41 MCULink

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Application Notes

Table 4-16. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Application Notes
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaDescriptionLink
1MigrationAN4495: MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Migration application note discusses the migration of an existing MPLAB Harmony v3-based project developed on a particular hardware (microcontroller or development board) platform to another one of Microchip's 32-bit hardware platforms of the user's choice.Link
2Feature specificAN4383: 32-bit Microcontroller Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package (WLCSP)Link
3MigrationAN3346: Introduction to MPLAB and Harmony v3 for Atmel Studio and ASF UsersLink

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Application Demonstrations

Table 4-17. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Application Demonstrations
Sl. NoType/ Focus AreaHardware Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1Getting StartedPIC32CX SG41 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV06X38A)This application demonstrates how to toggle LED by pressing switch SW on a timeout basis and viewing the LED toggling rate on the serial terminal.Link
2Getting StartedPIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A)This application demonstrates how to toggle LED by pressing switch on a timeout basis and viewing the LED toggling rate on the serial terminal.Link
3Barcode ScannerPIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A)This application detects the EAN-13 barcode and decodes it with the help of the ArduCAM Mega camera module. The ArduCAM Mega captures an image with a resolution of 1920x1080 and stores the image in an internal memory. The decoded barcode is then displayed on the serial console and graphical display.Link
4Secure CAN BootloaderPIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A)This application demonstrates usage of the internal Hardware Security Module (HSM) of the PIC32CX SG61 for securely transferring application firmware between Host and Client over a CAN bus. Link

PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Reference Designs

Table 4-18. PIC32CX SG41/SG60/SG61 Reference Designs
Sl. NoTypeHardware Board/ Kit UsedDescriptionLink
1MCU FeaturePIC32CX SG61 Curiosity Ultra Evaluation Board (EV09H35A)This solution recognizes a valid barcode image and then analyzes and decodes the image using an Arm Cortex-M4F-based MCU from Microchip. This application detects the EAN-13 barcode and decodes it with the help of the Arducam Mega camera module. The Arducam Mega captures an image with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 and stores the image in an internal memory. The decoded barcode is then displayed on the serial console and graphical display.Link