24.4 EUSART Synchronous Mode

Synchronous serial communications are typically used in systems with a single master and one or more slaves. The master device contains the necessary circuitry for baud rate generation and supplies the clock for all devices in the system. Slave devices can take advantage of the master clock by eliminating the internal clock generation circuitry.

There are two signal lines in Synchronous mode: a bidirectional data line (DT) and a clock line (CK). The slaves use the external clock supplied by the master to shift the serial data into and out of their respective receive and transmit shift registers. Since the data line is bidirectional, synchronous operation is half-duplex only. Half-duplex refers to the fact that master and slave devices can receive and transmit data but not both simultaneously. The EUSART can operate as either a master or slave device.

Start and Stop bits are not used in synchronous transmissions.