2.3.2 Increased Power Consumption When Using
Voltage Reference Other Than AVCC
Power consumption is higher when
using internal or external voltage reference that is not equal to AVCC. The increased
current consumption will be the same for active and all sleep modes, but the maximal
impact will be in low-power sleep modes.Work aroundSelect AVCC as ADC voltage reference before entering sleep
mode to avoid extra power consumption during sleep. If no internal or external reference
to the ADC is used, add an external pull-down resistor to the AREF pin..
Affected Silicon Revisions
Rev. A
Rev. B
Rev. K
Rev. M
Rev. A
Rev. B
Rev. C
Rev. N
Rev. O
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.