7.2.1 ISR Priority > Main Priority > Peripheral Priority
When the peripheral priority (e.g., DMA, Scanner) is lower than ISR and MAIN priority, and the peripheral requires:
- Access to the Program Flash Memory, then the peripheral waits for an instruction cycle in which the CPU does not need to access the PFM (such as a branch instruction) and uses that cycle to do its own Program Flash Memory access, unless a PFM Read/Write operation is in progress.
- Access to the SFR/GPR, then the
peripheral waits for an instruction cycle in which the CPU does not need to
access the SFR/GPR (such as
) and uses that cycle to do its own SFR/GPR access. - Access to the Data EEPROM, then the peripheral has access to Data EEPROM unless a Data EEPROM Read/Write operation is being performed.
This results in the lowest throughput for the peripheral to access the memory and does so without any impact on execution times.