Transfer Counter in Client Mode

In Client mode, the transfer counter will still decrement as data are shifted into and out of the SPI module, but it will not control data transfers. The BMODE bit along with the transfer counter is used to determine when the device will look for Client Select faults.

When BMODE = 0, the SSFLT bit will be set if Client Select transitions from its Active to Inactive state during bytes of data or if it transitions before the last bit sent during the final byte (if SPIxTWIDTH ≠ 0).

When BMODE = 1, the SSFLT bit will be set if Client Select transitions from its Active to Inactive state before the final bit of each individual transfer is completed.

Note: SSFLT does not have an associated interrupt, so it will be checked in the software. An ideal time to do this is when the End of Client Select Interrupt (EOSIF) is triggered (see the Start of Client Select and End of Client Select Interrupts section).