13.12.4 Output Pin Setup

The output of the CRC-on-boot module will output low while performing the CRC calculation and will output high upon confirming a match. The ODCON Configuration bit, when set, allows the pin to drive both high and low. Clearing the ODCON bit will cause the pin to only drive low, relying on an external pull-up for the high level. The BOOTPINSEL Configuration bits allow for a selection of four different CRC mismatch error output pins. The selected pin will be completely controlled by the CRC-on-boot module and therefore will be unusable by any other modules. Clearing the BPEN Configuration bit enables the output of the CRC-on-boot module. While this bit is set, the CRC may still occur, but the output pin selected by BOOTPINSEL will not indicate the status of the check and remain available for other peripheral functions.