Channel Context Configuration Example

The code example below illustrates the configuration of four channel contexts.

Configuring Channel Context

void configADCContext(void)
    ADCTX = 0x00;                          // Select Context 1
    // Configure ADC registers for Context 1        
    ADLTHL = 0x10;                         // Lower threshold = 1000
    ADLTHH = 0x27; 
    ADUTHL = 0xE8;                         // Upper threshold = 10,000
    ADUTHH = 0x03;
    ADSTPTL = 0x00;                        // Setpoint = 0
    ADSTPTH = 0x00;
    ADACCU = 0x00;
    ADRPT = 0x10;                          // Accumulate 16 samples     
    ADPCH = 0x00;                          // PCH ANA0; 
    ADCON1 = 0x00;     
    ADCON2 = 0x01;                         // Accumulate_mode
    ADCON3 = 0x04;
    ADSTAT = 0x00;    
    ADREF = 0x00;                          // ADNREF VSS; ADPREF VDD;
    ADCON0 = 0x04;                         // CONT = 0
    ADCTX = 0x01;                          // Select Context 2
    // Configure ADC registers for Context 2
    ADLTHL = 0xF4;                         // Lower threshold = 500
    ADLTHH = 0x01; 
    ADUTHL = 0x88;                         // Upper threshold = 5000
    ADUTHH = 0x13;
    ADSTPTL = 0x00;                        // Setpoint = 0
    ADSTPTH = 0x00;
    ADACCU = 0x00;
    ADRPT = 0x20;                          // Accumulate 32 samples     
    ADPCH = 0x01;                          // PCH ANA1; 
    ADCON1 = 0x00;     
    ADCON2 = 0x52;                         // Average_mode; CRS = /32
    ADCON3 = 0x04;
    ADSTAT = 0x00;    
    ADREF = 0x00;                          // ADNREF VSS; ADPREF VDD;
    ADCON0 = 0x04;                         // CONT = 0
    ADCTX = 0x02;                          // Select Context 3
    // Configure ADC registers for Context 3
    ADLTHL = 0xF4;                         // Lower threshold = 500
    ADLTHH = 0x01; 
    ADUTHL = 0x88;                         // Upper threshold = 5000
    ADUTHH = 0x13;
    ADSTPTL = 0x00;                        // Setpoint = 0
    ADSTPTH = 0x00;
    ADACCU = 0x00;
    ADRPT = 0x20;                          // Accumulate 32 samples     
    ADPCH = 0x02;                          // PCH ANA2; 
    ADCON1 = 0x00;     
    ADCON2 = 0x53;                         // Burst_Average mode; CRS = /32
    ADCON3 = 0x04;
    ADSTAT = 0x00;    
    ADREF = 0x00;                          // ADNREF VSS; ADPREF VDD;
    ADCON0 = 0x04;                         // CONT = 0
    ADCTX = 0x03;                          // Select Context 4
    // Configure ADC registers for Context 4
    ADLTHL = 0x00;              
    ADLTHH = 0x00; 
    ADUTHL = 0x00;              
    ADUTHH = 0x00;
    ADSTPTL = 0x00;             
    ADSTPTH = 0x00;
    ADACCU = 0x00;
    ADRPT = 0x04;                   
    ADPCH = 0x03;                         // PCH ANA3; 
    ADCON1 = 0x00;     
    ADCON2 = 0x24;                        // LPF mode; CRS = 2
    ADCON3 = 0x57;                        // Context 4 interrupt always
    ADSTAT = 0x00;    
    ADREF = 0x00;                         // ADNREF VSS; ADPREF VDD;
    ADCON0 = 0x04;                        // CONT = 0
    // Apply to all context
    ADACT = 0x00;                         // No ACT
    ADCLK = 0x00;                         // ADCS FOSC/2;
    ADCON0 = 0x84;                        // Enable ADC
    PIR2bits.ADCH1IF = 0;                 // Clear interrupt flags
    PIR2bits.ADCH2IF = 0;       
    PIR2bits.ADCH3IF = 0;       
    PIR2bits.ADCH4IF = 0;       
    PIE2bits.ADCH1IE = 1;                // Enable Threshold interrupts
    PIE2bits.ADCH2IE = 1;
    PIE2bits.ADCH3IE = 1;
    PIE2bits.ADCH4IE = 1;