5 MPLAB® X Users Getting Started

MPLAB X with PIC18F56Q24 Curiosity Nano



  1. Launch MPLAB X.
  2. The page shown in the figure below will appear when PIC18F56Q24 Curiosity Nano is connected to MPLAB X.
    Figure 5-1. PIC18F56Q24 Curiosity Nano Page in MPLAB® X
  3. Start creating a new project by clicking File→New Project or using the <Ctrl+Shift+N> shortcut, as shown in Figure 5-2.
    Figure 5-2. Create New Project in MPLAB X IDE
  4. Select the Categories→Microchip Embedded and Projects→Standalone Project template and click Next.
    Figure 5-3. New Project Window
  5. Select PIC18F56Q24 and click Next.
    Figure 5-4. Device Selection Window

    Then select the board and the desired compiler, if there are any.

  6. Select an available compiler (e.g., XC8 (v.2.45)) and click Finish.
    Figure 5-5. Compiler Selection Window
  7. Type in the name (e.g., LED_TOGGLE) and location (e.g., C:\) of the project and click Finish.
    Figure 5-6. Project Name and Location Selection Window
  8. Create a new main.c file by clicking File→New File or using the <Ctrl+N> shortcut.
    Figure 5-7. Create a New File in MPLAB X
  9. Select the Categories→C and File Types→C Main File template, then click Next.
    Figure 5-8. New File Window
  10. Type in the file name (e.g., main) and click Finish.
    Figure 5-9. File Name Window
  11. Replace the main.c file with the following code snippet:
    #include <xc.h>
    int main(void) {
        PORTF   = 0x00;                   /* Clear PORTA */
        LATF    = 0x00;                   /* Clear Data Latch */
        ANSELF  = 0x00;                   /* Enable digital drivers */
        WPUF    = 0x08;                   /* Enable weak pull-up for SW0 */
        TRISF   = 0x08;                   /* Configure SW0 (RF3) as input and LED0 (RF2) pin as output */
        while (1) {
            /* Check the status of SW0 */
            /* 0: Pressed */
            if (PORTFbits.RF3 == 0) {
                LATFbits.LATF2 = 0;       /* LED0 ON */
            else {
                LATFbits.LATF2 = 1;       /* LED0 OFF */
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

    Add #include <xc.h> in main.c. In the code editor, the code will appear as shown below.

    Figure 5-10. Code Editor Window

  12. Build the code by clicking Production→Clean and Build Main Project or using the <Shift+F11> shortcut.
  13. Program PIC18F56Q24 with the project code and start debugging by clicking Debug→Debugging Main Project.
  14. Steps 12 and 13 can be accomplished in a single click by using the Debug Main Project option from the toolbar.
    Figure 5-11. Debug Main Project
  15. Verify that LED0 is lit when SW0 is pushed on the PIC18F56Q24 Curiosity Nano.