2.6 Revision ID

Revision ID Register
Tip: For example, the REVISIONID register value for revision B1 will be 0xA041.
Offset: 3FFFFCh

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 1010qqqq 
Bit 76543210 
Reset qqqqqqqq 

Bits 15:12 – 1010[3:0]  Read as ‘b1010

These bits are fixed with value ‘b1010 for all devices in this family.

Bits 11:6 – MJRREV[5:0] Major Revision ID

These bits are used to identify a major revision (A0, B0, C0, etc.).

Revision A = ‘b00 0000

Revision B = ‘b00 0001

Bits 5:0 – MNRREV[5:0] Minor Revision ID

These bits are used to identify a minor revision.

Revision A0 = ‘b00 0000

Revision B0 = ‘b00 0000

Revision B1 = ‘b00 0001

For example, the REVISIONID register value for revision B1 will be 0xA041.