7.4 Worst-Case Response Time (ms)

The worst-case response time is calculated when the sensor is touched after its measurement, as shown in Figure 7-4. The response times obtained are provided in the following tables.

When one sensor is touched:

Measurement period (ms) Response Time

CFG1 x8 Oversampling

CFG1 x16 Oversampling

CFG1 x32 Oversampling

CFG1 x64 Oversampling

Free-run 9 17 34 67
50 104 109 117 134
100 204 209 217 234
250 504 509 517 534

When two sensors are touched:

Measurement period (ms) Response Time

CFG1 x8 Oversampling

CFG1 x16 Oversampling

CFG1 x32 Oversampling

CFG1 x64 Oversampling

Free-run 11 22 42 84
50 106 113 125 150
100 206 213 225 250
250 506 513 525 550

When three sensors are touched:

Measurement Period (ms) Response Time

CFG1 x8 Oversampling

CFG1 x16 Oversampling

CFG1 x32 Oversampling

CFG1 x64 Oversampling

Free-run 13 26 51 101
50 109 117 134 167
100 209 217 234 267
250 509 517 534 567

The minimum and maximum values are calculated using the best- and worst-case response time formulas, respectively. These values are calculated for a condition when all three buttons are enabled and a single button is touched.

Worst case repsonse time (Max) (2 x Measurement period) + (1 x Measurement time x Total number of sensors enabled) + (3 x Measurement time x Total number of sensors touched)
Best case response time (Min) (1 x Measurement period) + (1 x Measurement time x Total number of sensors enabled) + (3 x Measurement time x Total number of sensors touched)
Measurement Time Min./Avg./Max. Resulting Response Time (ms)
CFG1 x8 Oversampling CFG1 x16 Oversampling CFG1 x32 Oversampling CFG1 x64 Oversampling
Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg. Max.
Free-run 9 17 34 67
50 54 79 104 59 84 109 67 92 117 84 109 134
100 104 154 204 109 159 209 117 167 217 134 184 234
250 254 379 504 259 383 509 267 392 517 284 409 534
Note: Considering the measurement times of all the frequencies, the response times calculated may have a ±5 µs variation.
Figure 7-6. Response Time