Enable-Protected Configuration
The configuration of the LUTs and sequencers is enable-protected, meaning that they can
only be configured when the corresponding even LUT is disabled (ENABLE =
’ in the LUT n Control A (CCL.LUTnCTRLA) register). This is a
mechanism to suppress the undesired output from the CCL under (re-)configuration.
The following bits and registers are enable-protected:
- Sequencer Selection (SEQSEL) in the Sequencer Control n (CCL.SEQCTRLn) registers
- LUT n Control x (CCL.LUTnCTRLx) registers, except the ENABLE bit in the CCL.LUTnCTRLA register
- TRUTHn (CCL.TRUTHn) registers
The enable-protected bits in the
CCL.LUTnCTRLx registers can be written at the same time as ENABLE in CCL.LUTnCTRLA is
written to ‘1
’, but not at the same time as ENABLE is written to
The enable protection is denoted by the enable-protected property in the register description.