3.2 Programming Algorithms

The Program Flash Memory and User ID are programmed one word at a time. The EEPROM memory and configuration regions are programmed one byte at a time.

Figure 3-14. Device Program/Verify Flowchart
  1. See Figure 3-15.
  2. See Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-15. Program Memory Flowchart
  1. This step is optional if the device has already been erased or has not been previously programmed.
  2. If the device is code-protected or must be completely erased, then Bulk Erase the device, as shown in Figure 3-18.
Figure 3-16. One-Word Program Cycle
Figure 3-17. User ID and Configuration Memory Program Flowchart
  1. This step is optional if the device has already been erased or has not been previously programmed.
  2. See Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-18. Bulk Erase Flowchart